Chapter Two: Friendship and Rivalry

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Chapter Two: Friendship and Rivalry

Stormpaw stretched his forepaws, flexing his sharp claws into the soft earth beneath him. The soil was still wet from the downpour of rain that had stopped only moments ago. The tom felt the sun's rays resting on his back, and he relished its warmth. His gray tabby pelt was still drying from dawn patrol, and despite keeping to the shelter of the gorse den, it was still as wet as ever.

He heard a purr coming from behind him, and Stormpaw turned to see Heatherpaw exiting the den. Her soft, pale gray fur wasn't unkempt like his fur was. She flashed him one of her signature, sweet smiles before giggling to herself.

    "Stormpaw, you look worse than a gorse bush! Where have you been all morning? Fighting against the wind?" Heatherpaw playfully batted his ears with a flick of her forepaw before sitting down beside him.

    He sat down as well. "I went out on dawn patrol because I woke up early. From the wind, I could detect rain was coming, but I didn't suspect that there'd be such a major shower. And it was still pouring once I got back to camp. My fur hasn't properly dried because it was so cold this morning. And now, my pelt has finally decided to dry after the rain let up."

    Heatherpaw rolled her sparkling blue eyes. "Don't be such a smarty cat all the time, Stormpaw. You could've at least bothered to wash your pelt."

    Without another word, the she-cat started to groom him, flattening his spiked fur. Stormpaw naturally relaxed to her touch, allowing himself to close his eyes from a few moments as she combed his pelt dry. He blinked open his amber eyes and looked over at his friend, curling his tail in appreciation.

    "Don't you dare try to clean my pelt, I spent too long making it look this perfect!" Heatherpaw told him teasingly, but there was now a sharp glint in her eyes.

    "I wasn't going to, I promise!" Stormpaw replied quickly, trying to stop his fur from prickling.

    Heatherpaw shook her head. "Stupid furball."

    Stormpaw held back his snicker. "You just called me a stupid furball, but only a few moments ago, you called me a smarty cat."

    "I'm pretty sure the two labels equivalent to the same thing." Heatherpaw deadpanned.

    "Well, technically, no. Being called a 'smarty cat' would mean you are inferring that I am particularly intelligent and know a lot of facts and knowledge. Meanwhile, if you call me a stupid furball..."

    Heatherpaw's tail slapped him over the mouth. "Don't you dare start another one of your little rants again. I get your point," She meowed, but she couldn't hold back her curling tail.

    "You couldn't stop me if you tried," Stormpaw grinned.

    "Well, I just did, and now, you're a cornered rabbit," Heatherpaw shot back.

    "You interrupted me, but I can go finish my tangent now," Stormpaw said, clearing his throat in preparation for his speech.

"As I was saying..." Stormpaw started before being interrupted from a call across the clearing.

"Stormpaw, Heatherpaw! Would you mind to stop chattering like sparrows and join a border patrol?" Jaggedclaw asked them crossly while lasing his black-and-silver tail. Gorseclaw stood beside the tom, patiently waiting for the apprentices.

Stormpaw felt his ears burning as he headed over to the two highly authoritative warriors. Heatherpaw followed him, her tail twitching.

"Now that the two of you are finally here, we can get started with the patrol," Jaggedclaw told them, his voice still portraying natural coldness.

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