Chapter Twenty: Time Will Heal

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Chapter Twenty: Time Will Heal

Stormpaw unsheathed his claws in frustration. "So, you're telling me, that I'm still not fully healed? It's been half a moon, for StarClan's sake!"

"Calm down, Stormpaw," Mintleaf growled, her white-tipped tail twitching behind her. "Your tail needs time to heal, and your neck wound is prone to infection."

"But, Mintleaf," he tried to suppress the whine in his voice. "I need to get back in the action. So much has been happening without me. I need to help out my Clanmates!"

His words didn't ring true in Stormpaw's heart. He was making excuses and he knew it. He wanted to get better, sure, but his Clanmates weren't his priority. He had a different task in mind.

"Stormpaw, you've improved a lot, more than I expected you to. But, you're still not better. You can't go running off after rabbits or put yourself at risk on a border patrol. Tensions are high, as it is. And, predators continue to be a looming threat."

Stormpaw snarled. "But, that's exactly why I'm needed! Everyone is out there, putting themselves at risk."

Mintleaf walked towards him. "Stormpaw, you're not thinking about this rationally. You still need time to heal. From the way you've been acting, I know you do."

Stormpaw bristled. "Mintleaf, I'm fine!" He lashed his tail, hissing at his actions. Pain ebbed in his tail, and he winced.

Mintleaf sighed. "No, you're not. I'm going to add a new poultice for your tail, and I'll give you a few poppy seeds. I'll throw in a thyme leaf too, for good measure."

The gray-and-white tabby fetched some of her herb supplies. Stormpaw's nose wrinkled at the harsh scents—sweet, sour, harsh, soft—the conflicts in odors created an unpleasant smell that made him feel nauseous. He was sick of the smell, and he still had to be in the medicine cat den for more time.

He sat down, resting his head on his forepaws. Frustration mingled with anger lingered inside him as he watched Mintleaf work. The she-cat's stubborn, straight-to-the-point nature was getting on his nerves. She was firm and unrelenting, constantly pushing down his request to get back into his apprentice training. It was like she wanted him to be stuck here forever.

Mintleaf approached him, her sharp green eyes glittering. "Don't hide your tail from me, Stormpaw. I need to treat it, after you hurt the joints again."

Stormpaw sighed, then shuffled to his side. He extended his tail carefully, to prevent further damage. He felt the cold, wet poultice on his thick-furred tail. Stormpaw turned his head to look at the medicine cat.

"I am going to fully heal though, right?" He asked her, his amber eyes containing a glimmer of fear.

"Eventually," the medicine cat grumbled. "As long as you don't lash your tail all the time, then you should be fine."

"How much longer am I going to be stuck here?" Stormpaw asked her, twitching his ears. He had grown sick of the den on his third day of healing. A half moon of this treatment felt like an eternity, and there was still more time to go. He rested his chin on his forepaws, moping.

Mintleaf couldn't help but snort at his antics. "Only another half moon, if you're careful with your tail. The thing is, I could let you leave now, but you'd be reckless. You'd instantly start running the hills, chasing down rabbits, and play fighting with your friends."

"No, I wouldn't—" Stormpaw quickly protested, flattening his ears in annoyance.

"Stormpaw, I know you. You're just like your father. You're eager to chase after anything in sight, you get mopey when you're in the medicine den for too long, and you're always restless and irritable when I tell you otherwise," Mintleaf's voice contained a light amount of melancholy.

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