Author's Note

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Author's Note

I figured I'd write a final author's note here, to all who read this story.

Thank you to everyone who saw this story and decided to read it. Whether it was just the allegiances, a couple of chapters, or the entire book in general—I appreciate it. I posted this out of the blue, and I didn't expect a single read. This story, as I am writing this now, is almost at 500 reads. That's amazing.

The Roaring Winds has been a story of mine for years. This is its third rewrite. It took me a long time to figure out the story direction, the character dynamics, and where I wanted the plot to go. This story started with a very simple premise. I won't reveal it, because it spoils everything, but it was rather basic.

Then, I started inventing more characters that added onto the dynamic. Originally, there was going to be four Clans, but I decided to throw in SkyClan, because it would help with tensions. All the characters are dear to my heart, and honestly, they all deserve a one-shot that stars them.

This story is far from over (as the epilogue implies.) I consider the Roaring Winds to almost be a 'prequel' that gives a basic understanding of the characters, their struggles, and their dynamics.

There will be a second story 'Shadows and Sunlight' that will begin the Era of War within the Clans. It will take place two moons after the  Roaring Winds. A new arrival will enter WindClan's heartland, vague secrets and mysteries will begin to be uncovered, and battles will ensue between two great enemies: WindClan and ShadowClan.

This story will be mostly Stormpaw and Rosepaw centric, but Mossypaw will make a few chapters of appearance, when necessary. (If all goes well, she will be the main focus for book three: Rushing Waters.)

Once again, thank you to everyone who read and voted on my story! I appreciate the support. I hope that I will be able to post to Wattpad 2 times a week. Expect the prologue to 'Shadows and Sunlight' to be released next Sunday!



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