2. fired

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Mayank worked as a senior executive and enjoyed its perks to the fullest. Which meant, he had his own cabin. After an open invitation for a kiss, Mayank wasn't the kind to back down. In front of everybody, he acted as if he was going to help Tanya out with some work that she was struggling to get down. As soon as the two entered his cabin, he pulled down the binds of the transparent door and turned around hugging her. He gave her butterfly kisses before lifting her and setting her down on his desk. In desperate need, he cleared the items from the tabletop to make room for her and their shenanigans.

She had never done this. In her entire life, she didn't kiss anyone without feelings. She didn't even mingle with people unless and until she felt comfortable with them. As much as she came as a party freak, she was one of those girls who mostly enjoyed the company more than the venue. Now, at 25 she was doing something she always believed to be disgusting.

Everybody did it though! Just lust, no love. Her friends enjoyed one-night stands, especially after brutal breakups or bad days. Movie stars always romanced their co-stars. So what's the big deal in just a kiss, right?

Perhaps, Aarav did too! With Suchitra! Or with the girls, he might pick up from the bar. Or maybe with that secretary of his who had been eyeing him for a while now. Though Tanya had never said anything, she had noticed everything. Shaking her head, she prepared for what was to come. Kissing Mayank, in the office, inside his cabin. What's the big deal, right? She had always been a rebel, a rule breaker. But somehow, this one was leaving her with a nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Mayank smiled down at her and opened his phone. She noticed that he somehow had access to the CCTV cameras inside his cabin. She looked up at the camera and it stopped blinking. Mayank had turned it off. Something about this whole ordeal told her that it wasn't the first time he had a girl in his cabin. 

Tanya tried to sit back and adjust herself to his closeness. She also mentally decided to ignore that his breath reeked. It was an odd mixture of bad breath, mint and red bull. For a moment Tanya felt her stomach groan. It was mostly due to skipping breakfast to prep for the presentation and missing out on lunch due to the disaster at the presentation! Who was to be blamed? AARAV of course!  But well, Mayank didn't give her that much time to overthink. He was all over her. 

His hands took the liberty to explore her bare back through her tank top and then descended down to the back of her pants, all the while his mouth sucked on hers like he was sucking on a mango.

Tanya at first didn't reciprocate. But the moment she did, it kind of gave him the much-needed push to do whatever he pleased. As he continued to suck, kiss and lick her mouth, she stopped his wandering hands before they could evade her privacy. Wasn't it supposed to be just a kiss?

She needed a breather and Mayank didn't really have any thoughts of stopping anytime soon. Even as she tried to push him, he thought, she was just being passionate and continued his expedition. She was seriously reconsidering the whole 'venting out frustration thing'. This wasn't what she expected. It was adding to her pile of miseries. The entire episode received a full stop when the doors burst open and Aarav stood by the entrance with bloodshot eyes and anger buzzing through his veins.

"Tanya! Mayank!" Aarav's clenched his teeth.

Tanya and Mayank stumbled away from each other. She almost tripped trying to stand on her two feet. Why the fuck was she wobbly-wobbly? Definitely not the kiss!

And why the fucking fuck Aarav is so pissed? Right, this is his company and somewhere in the policy she had signed there was clear mention of the 'no indecent behaviour or public display of affection' clause.

"Mayank, go and wait in my cabin to reiterate your employment terms."

"But.. Boss.. I mean.." Mayank swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. Thankfully, there weren't too many prying eyes outside the cabin. 

"Have you not heard what I said, Mayank?" Aarav asked, his voice had the kind of intensity that he would simply rip Mayank's throat out if questioned again.

With one last look at Tanya who stood frozen to the ground, Mayank left, his head hung low.

Tanya who was staring at the colour of her toes saw a drop of tear fall on them. Why the fucking fuck was she crying?  Wiping them, she held back the remaining tears. Not in front of Aarav. Don't cry in front of Aarav, was the only chant on her mind.

"Never have I ever thought, this day would come, Tanya," Aarav said taking a step ahead as the cabin doors shut close behind him. She looked up suddenly realizing, he never called her that. At least not when it's just two of them. She liked how he called her "Tee" or "Tee Tee". She hated that Tee Tee nickname to the core but even with years of pranks and tantrums, she could never get Aarav to stop calling her that.

"Wh..at?" She stuttered for the first time in her life not knowing what to say. He was seething in anger, so much that every nerve of his body shivered. She could see it. His eyes bore into hers with rage.

"Congratulations." He muttered taking a few steps closer to her. Three more steps and they would be so close that their noses would touch. But he didn't close that distance. It seemed like he drew the line.

"For what Aaru?" She asked, her voice low, her eyes moist.

"DON'T EVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN." He said waving his index finger. Tanya leaned back against the desk with a gulp. He was never this angry. Never. She had given him more than enough reasons to be angry in the past but in spite of all that, she had not once seen him enraged like this.

"And.. congratulations because your wish is granted. You are fired."

Tanya's eyes widened in horror. NO! No! Not now. Not when she actually started to like her job. She took a step closer hoping she could tell him, this work, means something. But he took a step back the moment she tried to speak.

"I will talk to your father. Don't worry, he will not force you to work for me again. Just.. get lost." Was the last words he said before left. Tanya broke down then and there. All she wanted was to get rid of her frustrating thoughts. All she wanted was to forget her anger. All she wanted was to try the forbidden thing. 

Deep down she knew she had crossed the lines. Both professionally and personally.

So many questions and no answers. Tanya had lost something today and she didn't even know what was it! That hurt her more.

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