3. sloshed

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"Tani yaar! You have had too much

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"Tani yaar! You have had too much... Come on.. Let's go home." Neethu said trying to push her friend out of the couch.

"Neets! Stop! What do you think you are doing? Haan!? Why can't I have more? Because I am a girl? What reason do you have to STOP me from DRINKING? TELL ME! LIKE RIGHT NOW!"

Neethu hit her forehead, even after being Tanya's best friend for nearly two decades she still couldn't figure out, what actually hurt her. Sighing she sat back on the seat and looked sadly at Tanya. "Tani. why are you so upset? You got what you wanted na?"

"STOP. Saying. That! If I got what I wanted when I wanted, I WOULD HAVE BEEN HAPPY! But.. Now? I don't want that!" Tanya pouted gulping shots one after the other. Neethu was really worried now.

"Then.. what do you want now?" Neethu asked and immediately grabbed the remaining shots Tanya was eyeing. Neethu gulped down the contents in one go as Tanya watched her in shock. It burned her throat, but if that meant no more shots for Tanya so be it! 

Still reeling from the alcohol that hit her system for seconds, Neethu watched Tanya, sniffing and hitting her forehead against the tabletop, "I want to design comics... Graphics... I want to help my colleague Sam direct advertising videos... I want to do something nice... And I can do all of that at Vivanta Ad Agency." Tanya mumbled softly with her cheeks placed on the cold table.

Neethu stared at her best friend in shock. The two vodka shots which she had gobbled just now, disappeared without a trace. "For 6 months you were working there and all you wanted was to get out and now you are telling me, you wished to stay?"

"Yes.! Is that wrong?" Tanya demanded with a pout. Neethu sighed back on the seat and drank some water. Her throat felt really dry like a desert. "I can totally understand I guess. Maybe you found your passion."

Neethu's words made Tanya smile. "AWW! Neets! You always say the right things! Passion! I am passionate about designing! Yuppie!"

"On that note more SHOTS!" Just as Neethu blinked back, Tanya was on her feet running towards the bar counter ordering Tequila shots in a very high pitch. Sweat broke out on Neethu's forehead. Tanya never drank so much and she hated alcohol. She also hated that particular pub more than anything. 

Today, Tanya was dancing in the very same pub, drinking shots one after the other like they were sips of water and screaming at anything and everything. "This won't do. I have to think of something!" Neethu told herself as she scrolled down the contact list on her phone.

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