6. stalked

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"I don't understand why am I listening to the drunk, dumb and the most annoying girl ever!" He groaned as he parked his car close to the shore

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"I don't understand why am I listening to the drunk, dumb and the most annoying girl ever!" He groaned as he parked his car close to the shore. The waves were just a few feet away and Tanya had already started chirping like a bird. Aarav wondered why hasn't her alcohol worn out yet.

She had puked all over him getting the contents of booze out of her system.

She had a sweet slumber in the room while he took a shower & also slept like a baby in his car. She may also have looked a bit cute while snoring. Just a little okay?

She had nimboo-paani when they left the room & few slurps of curds just a few km before he brought her to the beach.

Why was she still drunk? And why had even given in to her pleas of going to the beach?

So that makes him wonder if she was really drunk or just hyper. By the time he came out of his thoughts and his over-expensive car, Tanya was already playing against the tides. The perk of living in Mumbai is that you don't go to the sea. The ocean follows you. But Tanya was always oblivious to it. She still acted as if she lived in a barren land and that sea was a state away. Despite living in a place close to the sea link, she was in the water like she hadn't seen it for ages!

Alarmed at the fact of how vulnerable she probably was at the moment, Aarav ran behind her. "Tanya! Stop! You might drown!!!"

He caught her right before she took a dive, she looked up pointing an accusing finger at him, "You are a jerk. Always have been! I can't believe we've known each other since childhood, and yet you treat me like freaking garbage!"

"You don't treat me so well either Tee! Do you even remember how you insulted me in college!? Damn, Tanya, you put up a pic of me wearing a saree during my graduation ceremony! You knew it was a dare to wear that and not to forget, given by YOU! How could you post something so personal during my farewell?"

For a moment, that memory made her giggle. She still had that photo. Yeah, Aarav had created a huge fuss, broken her phone and even attempted to steal her laptop to get rid of it. However, what did he know? She had so many backups of that picture and so many other pictures of him that she had secretly filmed.

To name a few, she had a video of him sleeping during his father's speech for winning the title of the best businessman of the year. She had a picture of him with just his towel wrapped around his waist while he kissed Mallika Sherawat's poster in his room. (In his defence, he was just 16!) She also had a picture of him wearing Indian clothes and reading Playboy magazine. 

Well, it was a gem she had accidentally caught in her camera. During Diwali, one night, she had just found him sitting in the corner of the terrace with an erotic magazine in his hand and a glossy expression on his face. Needless to say, he was clad in just his boxers and no guesses for what he may probably have been doing. Tanya will never confess she has this secret stash. Never. What if he thinks she is a stalker and hands over to the police? Right? Safety first, confessions (a million years) later.

She untangled herself from his hold when something struck. He was 4 years her senior and she hadn't interacted with him so closely since graduation..! It was always formal and very minimal. That was.. until she joined Vivanta.. wait a sec! "What the fuck! You are angry about that? Is that why you got me to apply for your company through my father? It was all a plan to get your revenge?"

She made him face her when he looked away in guilt. Tanya recalled every time how he scolded her for no reason at all. She remembered how he made her work extra hours while he enjoyed taking long naps in his cabin. She remembered how he made her work for a men's underwear ad with Sam (She has no complaints about Sam though; that guy is a legend director!). Initially, she was sceptical but Sam had taught her that when you work for an ad agency you have to be prepared for all sorts of clients and products. 

She remembered how occasionally she would receive a dress code only to find the next day that she was a walking-talking fool in the office and the HR email would miraculously disappear from her inbox making her doubt herself if she was imagining things. She had gone through hell, not that she did any less mischief from her end. Yep, she had broken all the rules from the HR manual and the only punishment she would get was a salary deduction and a bunch of punishments like working extra hours, running errands, etc.

Tanya pushed him with all her might. Arrav stumbled back in shock. With a sniff, she yelled, "I wouldn't have posted that pic of yours if you didn't scare my boyfriend away, you asshole!"

Arrav was really surprised at the mention of Uday. Her so-called boyfriend! He didn't understand why did she even date that asshole! There had been many days he felt like breaking her head just to see what runs inside of it. Who in the sane mind would date Uday? Where were her so-called 'standards'?

It was a known fact that Tanya had set a certain level of standard when it came to men.

Well dressed.

Extremely chivalrous


Should pamper her, always.

Should adjust to her temper and all the tantrums

Should always have a happy face.

Should smell nice 

Those were the few things he remembered. Very clearly. Mostly because she had read the list out loud during Vijay's birthday party when three guys had proposed to her at random. She had jumped on a bar counter and announced whoever wants to think of even 'shaking' hands with her (let alone dating) had to befall under the above list. Aarav didn't remember anyone proposing to her after that. At least not anyone from their friend circle. He was in fact relieved. Only to find a month later, she was dating Uday! That freaky Uday!

Instead of focusing on his MBA final exams, he was being the 'spy' as Vijay sweetly put it. And his 'spy-sense' gave the verdict that Uday was a jerk. A big toad jerk.

"Your ex-boyfriend? Haha! He was an asshole! In fact, he only dated you because of a bet he had with his friends! You crazy woman!" Aarav told her. Something, he never told her.

He can't forget what circus he had to go through to get Uday off her back. Like she has any idea! That crazy woman!

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