Chapter 1

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Hayat's POV

I walked down the hallway, staring left and right at everyone who were leaning against their lockers, whispering to each other. My hand fiddling with the bracelet around my wrist that was apart of the family legacy. It was extremely old- my great, great grandmother gave it to my great grandmother and so on. For a second, I thought people were talking about me but I'm no special person that people would waste their time talking about me. Right?

"He's back," I heard someone whisper. I furrowed my eyebrows, a little more interested. I knew the two girls as they were my best friends so I walked over to them.

"Whose back?" I made my presence known as leaned my shoulder against my Farrah's locker.

"Shhhh," Farrah shushed me, panic laced in her voice. "He must not be mentioned," she spoke to me, eyes wide in fear. That just made me even more curious as I bit my lip. Practically everyone here was talking about it so technically, this mysterious person is mentioned. I really want to know who he is, why is everyone so scared?

"So, Who is he?" I lowered my voice so only Farrah and Emily could hear.

"He's Mr Black's son," Farrah explained and my heart rate sped up. I didn't know he has a son. I gulped. He rules our country and is a total dickhead. He's the type of person to kill people for fun and if anyone speaks bad of him, they won't ever be seen again. "The worst part is, he's the hottest boy of the school-" Farrah gushed, getting excited whilst just talking about him. She was cut off by Emily. Now I was even more interested.

"Boy? Now that's the wrong word, Farrah," Emily gossiped. "He's a man," she emphasised. I tucked my hair behind my ear, listening intently. "Anyways! He's very dangerous- just like his dad and he's never had a girlfriend before. Bethany thinks that he's her boyfriend despite the amount of times he insulted her in front of everyone and practically abused her."

"She's just desperate for his attention," Farrah commented.

"How do you guys know of him?" I asked, nervously. My heart was beating crazily. As you have probably figured out that we have Mr Black dictates this country so we have no choice and are vulnerable. I stopped my tears as I got flash backs of when we got the news that my mum was killed. My dad is a different story which I would rather not think about...

Anger started boiling inside of me as all I wanted to do and the only thing I could think of was taking revenge.

"He used to come to this school a year ago so the day you joined, he had left," Emily explained, opening her locker and taking out her lipgloss. Using the mirror, she carefully applied it, a pop of pink colour gliding over her lips. So when I joined when everything was clear, thank god. I would've probably strangled him if I knew him.

"So since he's back, we're gonna try and get his attention," Farrah then looked left and right, lowering her voice. "And possibly try to become his girlfriend." I raised my eyebrows, nodding- trying to process everything. They literally have a death wish. Who would want to get with a person whose family has a reputation of murder?

"Rumour has it that he went to prison for a year because he beat someone up so much that they are now in coma," Emily shuddered.

"Nah, you really think his father would send him to prison? He probably just went to another country because there is no way that he would send his son to jail just to prove he is fair," Farrah stated. A shiver ran down my spine as I was no longer wanting to meet him. I just needed to know how he looked so I could avoid him at all costs but then I have this urge to murder him. "His two other best friends are coming back today as well so Jason would finally not be just mean, he would be mean and brutal.The Z4 will be back again! I can't wait!"

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