Chapter 6

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Hayat's POV

"So Damon was Damien Black?!" Farrah yelled and Emily's jaw was touching the floor. I shushed her as some people looked over at us. I glared at them, challenging them to continue to stare but eventually they stopped staring.

"Yes," I sighed. "But now I know who to avoid but I need to somehow still get my bracelet back, he still has it," I stressed, picking up my apple and taking a bite out of it. My hair was still straight from yesterday so all I did this morning was brush it, there was no time to shower, I was running late from school. Suddenly, my eyes fell onto Zack, my breath getting caught in my throat. He seemed to sense me staring so he looked my way as well, something in his eyes softening whilst he looked at me.

"Zack again?" Farrah sighed. "Hay, it's been a month of you guys just giving each other looks and stealing glances. Maybe you should just get back with him?"

"No! It's not that easy, Farrah, we can't be together, we are too different," I explained, looking away from Zack to Farrah but then back to him.

"Come on, its so clear that he clearly still loves you and you aren't over him," Emily tried to convince me. Zack loosely put his hand up, trying to get me to get my attention but I completely ignored him. He began walking over to me but I quickly shook my head, making him stop in his spot. I turned my head away. It's better for us to be apart.

"Anyway, moving on," I tried to just change the subject, it would be so much better to just not talk about Zack.

"How about... you ask Damien for your bracelet and then that would be the last time you talk to him," Emily smirked at me, taking a bite of her sandwich. "And introduce us whilst you are at it." Oh great, and we are back to that.

"I'm not friends with him, Em, introduce yourself, let's see how confident you are," I challenged, before pointing to the table a couple of metres away with my eyes. The Z4 were sitting there, a couple of girls did surround the table, some sitting on their laps. They were at the centre of everyone's attention but they were acting as if they got that type of attention everywhere they went but they wouldn't be lying.

"Are you challenging me?" She asked, a smile pulling up at her lips as I slowly nodded at her.

"I know you won't," Farrah joined in. "How about you ask for Hay's bracelet and if everything is going the way you want it to, then you introduce yourself."

Emily seemed to be contemplating it, you could see it from her face that she was under pressure. I didn't really want her to but since we were in the moment, I think why not. Damien seemed rather comfortable talking to me so it's very unlikely that he would explode on her.

Lately he seemed to be in a good mood, maybe he is always like this because I've only known him for one whole day so far.

"Okay, I need to stop eye-stalking Z4 and actually go introduce myself!" Emily started talking herself into it which is weird, I've never actually seen her step outside of her comfort zone.

"Yes! Go girl," Farrah cheered as Emily jumped out of her seat, slowly walking over towards their table. For some reason, I had a bad feeling about what was going to happen. I couldn't take my eyes away from the table as she stopped in front of the table, all of their attention diverted to her as they stopped talking about whatever they were talking about.

I tried to listen in but I just couldn't hear it but what Damien said, I'm sure the whole cafeteria heard.

"No one wants you here, leave! If princess wants it then she should come get it herself," his voice was dangerously calm yet you could hear the power radiating off of it. Some people stared, scared whilst others laughed, obviously on Damien's side. I could see if from that Emily was extremely nervous and her self confidence flew straight out of the window. Before I could actually think everything through, I got up, strutting over to their table. I grabbed Emily's arm, giving her a sense of comfort that I was there for her.

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