Chapter 4

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Hayat's POV

Damien smirked at me, all traces of my happiness gone. I looked at him with a lot of hatred in my eyes before I turned back towards Elijah.

"You're his best friend? He was one of the "friends" you went to a foreign country with!?!" I couldn't help as my voice got louder and some people turned to look our way. Not that many people weren't already looking because of Damien.

"Yeah, you guys already know each other?" He acted so oblivious that all I wanted to do was punch him but I didn't.

"You are a part of Z4?" I carried on spitting questions out like it was venom.

"Yeah." Thats when my eyes tearing up. By now, Damien had disappeared with a girl upstairs to do god knows what. "Wait, we raced you!?!" He yelled, before he started searching around my body. "Did you get hurt? I'm so sorry! We didn't mean to, if we knew it was you, we wouldn't have slowed down to make you crash," he grabbed onto my arm, looking for any wounds or scratches but I pulled it away from him.

"You might not have," which is hard to believe since you are friends with someone like Damien, "but Damien almost killed me."

How could he betray our parents like that? How could he betray us like that?

"No baby sis, it's isn't like that," Elijah tried to explain but I completely shut him out.

"NO! Don't talk to me until you come to your right senses," with that I began walking away. I looked back one time as I was passing through the crowd.

I almost threw up as I looked back at my brother to see a girl whispering in his ear before he smiled at her and walked upstairs. Who is he? He's changed so much. Of course, He's one of them now, he spent years living with them in a foreign country, what did we expect. My breathing quickened as all I could think about, that he's betrayed his own parents that looked after him, fed him and completed each one of his wishes.

I gulped down the bile in my throat before I advanced towards the alcohol table. I pushed through so many practically naked bodies, nearing quickly towards the kitchen. I stopped near the table, my eyes staring at it, I wanted it, in fact I needed it- hoping for some sort of escape from the tremendous pain I kept feeling at the moment. I took slow steps towards the table as if I was scared that it was going to turn into a monster of some sort and kill me. Picking up a cup, I eyed the liquid inside it, a churning feeling in my stomach, begging for me to chug it down but my brain refused. I could literally see that it was spiked but me being me wouldn't listen to the warning bell going off in my brain. It told me not to but for some reason I couldn't stop what hands were doing. I bought the cup near my lips, my lips pressed against the rim of the cup but not downing it.

Don't do this Hayat. Stop.

My fingers held onto the sup tightly but not so tight, making sure it doesn't get dented as they were only plastic. I couldn't stop myself as I downed the drink, the substance burning my throat like crazy. The place began to blur as I blinked away the blurriness. Before I knew it, I crushed the cup, throwing it onto the floor and grabbing another cup, taking it down in one shot although it was half filled. I haven't had alcohol in ages so it felt good as I finally stopped thinking about all the different stresses in my life. Grabbing another cup, I stumbled into the kitchen. I opened the fridge to see it was filled with a lot of food and alcohol. Damn Jason was rich. Of course he is, stupid, idiotic child.

My eyes fell onto the tequila bottle and a smirk pulled up at my lips. I got the bottle out of the fridge, extremely excited. I emptied my cup by downing the substance. I poured the tequila halfway into the cup, putting the bottle onto the kitchen shelf. I walked back towards the fridge, I placed the cup in the fridge and closed the door of it. I raced back towards the bottle- this is where the fun really begins!

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