Chpater 7

36 3 0

Hayat's POV

I didn't say anything for the rest of the lesson. Squeezing the living dit lights out of my chin was probably the most severe thing Damien has probably done to someone. Free period finally came around and I went to the science lab.

I don't even know how I got so behind but I needed to complete the essay. Then all the lessons of chemistry ran through my mind, me and Farrah talking all the way throughout and laughing like maniacs. I let out a sigh as I got the answer to my question. The door to the science lab opened and in strolled Farrah.

"Right, this time, we need to actually get something done if we don't want to fail," she said with a serious look plastered on her face. I couldn't help the chuckle that had left my lips.

"You? Getting work done around me? Impossible!" I exaggerated as I tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Hair back, unless you want to burn it off," she said in a sing-song way. I gathered all my hair and tied it into a low ponytail.

"Happy, mum?" I asked sarcastically.

"Very," she nodded before getting her equipment out. "Alright, we need to mix the starch with that chemical," she pointed to the chemical next to me. It had a explosive sign on it which made me question it.

"Are you sure? It has the explosive sign on it," I told her.

"Yeah, I'm sure I saw Mr O'Neil mix them two," she explained before walking over to where the chemical was. I thought it through again. What if it went really bad. Okay, if she said she saw him mix them two, then she wouldn't lie on purpose now would she? "Oh wait! I need to get the water." She walked away and into the room where there was a pipe. In the meantime, the lab door opened and in come Jason.

"Hey," He greeted to which I returned the greeting. "What's up?"

"Just completing some essays that I was behind on," I explained, continuing writing as he came and stood beside me.

"I-I needed to tell you something important," he told me. "But I need all of your attention." I carried on writing and hummed, signalling him to carry on. "Meaning you actually stop doing what you are doing and listen." Letting out a sigh, I stopped writing and dropped my pen, I turned my body so I was facing him. There was this nervous look on his face, it was obvious that he wasn't sure if he should say it, he was second-doubting himself.

"Come on, just say it, I'm listening," I encourage because to be honest, I didn't really have time for this, I was already mad at Damien, I was behind on Science and this was due tomorrow and today was the only day that the technicians would give me the lab room. Plus, he was just taking forever on telling me.

He began squeezing his hand in a nervous behaviour. I furrowed my eyebrows. This just seemed too odd and I had seen this too many times. Could he? No! Does he possibly like me? No way. Does he actually? Oh god, don't tell me because he is so much more powerful than me. If he had a change of heart, he could easily force me with her a click of his fingers.

"I-I like," he began but stopped as if thinking he shouldn't be saying this to me. I so badly wanted to stop him from speaking any further but what if it wasn't what I was thinking. "I like your friend!" He finally spat out. I let out a sigh of relief, thank God! So that's what he was so nervous to say. But I don't understand, why?

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