Chapter 2

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Hayat's POV

"You should be careful of what you say," I informed him. "Anyone could hear you." A chuckle left his lips.

"I don't care," he replied. "I should get going now." And then without a word or second glance, he left. He isn't the only one who counts the Black family as their enemy. I let out a sigh as I still hasn't gotten my bracelet back. Great, now I'm gonna have to go to the party just to get my bracelet.

I walked away from the shed, going back to the main building.

"Hayat!" I heard someone call. I turned around to see Farrah running towards me. "Hey! I heard there is a party tonight, and please don't give me your shit again and how you cannot come, you have to come to this one! We are in senior year! We need to enjoy before we get kicked out at the end! So-" I cut her off from her blabbering.

"I'm coming! I'm coming! Okay? It's at Jason's house?" I asked, not one hundred percent sure because Damon didn't think it was important to inform me as to where the party was taking place.

"Yes like always!" She beamed. "We got news that Damien would be there tonight! And the rest of the Z4 will meet there. There's going to be a reunion!" She freaked out, beginning to day dream probably about Damien again.

"Is it just me that's not excited?" Her eyes widened as she stared at me.

"Yes!" She replied, slowly nodding her head as if she couldn't process what I had just told her. We began walking, not to anywhere in particular, silence surrounding us.

"I got a question," I spoke after a while of silence and ignoring the way she was looking at me with disbelief in her eyes.


"Do you know someone called Damon?" I questioned, just dying to know who he was. I've never seen him around so I'm just a little bit curious. 

"Damon?" She repeated then started pondering- thinking really hard if she knew anyone of that name. She repeated the name a couple of times, trying to remember if she knew anyone of that name.

"Black hair? Sexy tan skin? Plumped lips?"

"Sounds hot but no," she shook her head. "The only person I know with Black hair, a sexy tan is Damien." I just hummed in reply- disappointed that she didn't know who he was but nodded nonetheless. "But you could always introduce me to him," she smiled at me and I just chuckled, shaking my head at her.

"I would but I don't even know who he is," I shrugged trying to play it off coolly.

"Yeah, yeah," she dragged on. "It's okay, you can have him," she winked. "I've just got my eyes on Damien Black." I forced a smile at her. God help her before she gets into shit, please! I don't want her to get hurt because I know what Damien is like even though I've never met him. There's a fat chance that's he's exactly like his father and especially after the rumours I have heard. "Do you want to get ready with me and Emily for the party?"

"That would be great," I smiled, at least I don't have to show up to the party by myself.


I swiped the rug over the the last counter, a sigh of relief leaving my lips as I moved a couple of steps back, dropping onto the slightly ripped couch. A bit of dust poofed put, floating down towards the hardwood floor.

I shook my body in annoyance, groans leaving my lips as I dropped back down onto the floor and began cleaning it up. Just as I finished cleaning the floor, the door bell rang- Emara's fiancé was coming back after a long time from a foreign country I had no clue of. I jumped off the floor in excitement, rushing through the small hallway, towards the door.

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