Chapter 5: Re- think

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Hello my lovely readers! Thank you all for the reviews so far! Oh and the favs amd follows too hehe. This chapter is continuing right after chapter four-but you already knew that hehe. Enjoy

Chapter 5: Re- think

IF sighed relieved "We're fine, thanks Purple Heart, Purple Sister." said IF looking at Dark Otaku. Purple Sister smiled, looking back at Roxas who looked confused. "We'll explain this to you later Roxas, but right now we need to take this guy out." said Purple Sister. Roxas nodded getting into his battle stance "That Super Otaku, isn't a regular monster anymore, it is a Heartless. We need to eliminate it." said Roxas. Purple Heart, Purple Sister, Roxas, and IF all rushed Dark Otaku at once. Dark Otaku stood there, waiting for each of them to come at him. Purple Heart and Purple Sister zigged zagged past one another numerous times, Dark Otaku studied each of their movements carefully. "He's watching us closely." said Purple Sister continuing to zig zag with Purple Heart. Purple Heart narrowed her eyes, swiftly rushing towards Dark Otaku and delivering a blow to his chest. "In the end it never mattered, whether he were watching us or not. His fate was sealed from the beginning." said Purple Heart flicking her hair out her face with her right hand. IF scoffed a little, putting her guns away. "You two are are such show offs." said IF crossing her arms playfully, Purple Sister pushed her two index fingers together, laughing nervously. "Sorry, IF." said Purple Sister. 

Purple Heart walked towards them smiling. "You should relax IF, who knows what would have hap-" Purple Heart stopped walking, quickly glancing over shoulder behind her. Time seemed to have slowed down for a moment but she needed to act quickly. ' i sensing?' she thought to herself looking around the room. Her eyes landed on IF who stared at her confused, next she looked at Purple Sister who hadn't noticed anything unusual yet. And finally her eyes landed on Roxas who squatted down some, preparing to attack. Time resumed, Purple Heart pushed off the ground with one mighty push, Roxas dashed past her and quickly knock back an invisible foe, it were only a second before it revealed Dark Otaku. IF and Purple Sister stared in surprise seeing Dark Otaku's invisibility disappear. Purple Heart scuffed "That guy could have taken us out! It's a good thing I noticed him when I did." said Purple Heart looking down at Roxas as Dark Otaku flew at the wall just as IF followed pursuit, firing rapidly at Dark Otaku adding onto damage. Dark Otaku got up just as IF"s bullets hit him, causing a shock of electricity to scourge through him. Dark Otaku fell to his knees again then got up again. He slowly started engulfing himself in the dark energy once again. 

Roxas twisted Oblivion and Oath Keeper in his hands and charged at him. "Oh no you don't!" said Roxas picking up his pace readying to attack Dark Otaku.  Dark Otaku saw him coming and out his hands up making an X with his hajds attempting to block it. Purple Sister saw this and frowned a little as Roxas drove his keyblades directly into Dark Otaku's chest. There was the sound of someone biting into an apple, followed by a high pitched scream. All the darkness within Dark Otaku quickly drained out, regarding him to Super Otaku and seconds later he fell to the floor, breaking into a small black cloud of darkness before disappearing. IF stared at the black cloud walking over towards it as a red heart shot out from its place and into the sky. Purple Sister and Purple Heart both watched as the red heart continued up in the sky and disappeared. Roxas put his keyblades away, then glanced over at them. "That's what happens when they're defeated, remember that." said Roxas seeing a white light surround each of them and transported them back to Planeptune Basilicom.

Purple Sister was the first to appear in the Basilicom, she immediately untransformed and Purple Heart had done the same. Roxas and IF were the last two to come through the portal, once they came through the portal instantly closed. "Hmmm" said Nepgear intertwining her fingers together and holding them. "Histy we're back!" Neptune put her hands behind her head, and yawned a little bit. Her eyes darted towards the kitchen where Histoire and Compa had just came from. "Welcome back!" said Compa walking towards them, checking each and every last one of them for any serious Injuries. "You guys aren't seriously hurt this time. This makes me proud!" She giggled. IF an at her friend, giving a reassuring nod and smile to her. "You can say that again." IF went over to the couch and sat down, her legs felt like jelly. Roxas slightly stared at IF in his peripheral vision. "Anyways, Histoire is there anything else you need us to do?" he turned his attention to Histoire who was flying around in small circles on her book for a bit before coming to a complete stop. "You all did well. Now we have Planeptune's dungeon back in our control along with the mascot character." Histoire allowed her legs to dangle off the of her book as she spoke.

Nepgear looked over at IF, she laid down on the couch with her hand covering her eyes, slightly swaying her feet in the air as she listened to the group. "That's good, now we can focus on the main things happening around in Planeptune!" said Neptune in a cheerful tone as always. "Yeah, just as soon as you tell me what was up with that monster only dying when Roxas stabbed it." said IF lifting her hands in the air. Compa tilted her head confused on the matter for a moment. Nepgear gave a nervous laugh, letting her hands go as she hugged herself. "W-well it has something to do with his sword he calls a keyblade." said Nepgear, IF sat up showing more interest in the topic. "A keyblade?" repeated IF "What's that?" Nepgear walked over to IF while humming. "Allow me to explain." Nepgear started explaining to Compa, IF, and Histoire just what the Keyblade is and how is it's power benefiting for them all. Once she finished explaining to them, Roxas came up with a question of his own. "Now that we got that out of the way. Tell me, who were those two angelic beings that helped us win our fight?" said Roxas. Neptune decided to speak up on the matter, filling him in on their goddess forms and its power to them. Roxas sat there soaking in all the vital information he was just told. He looked at Nepgear, catching her attention at just the right second for them to enter their own dimension of time.

Compa placed her hands together, looking at Roxas and Nepgear for a moment. "You two are so weird sometimes, geez." said Compa sighing to herself. IF pretended not to hear what  Compa had said giving Neptune more than enough time to react. Neptune out her hands to her sides before speaking. "Roxas, now that you know about our Cpu forms and we know about your Heartless, do you call this an even trade?" asked Neptune. Roxas looked at everyone, seeing what they were doing before slightly nodding his head yes. "I think this is pretty much an even trade. But…" said Roxas, his eyes landing on Nepgear once again. Nepgear, not wanting to lose focus, looked away from Roxas then over to Histoire. "Histy, how much of Planeptune do we have to save before getting the lands together?" asked Nepgear huffing under her breath for a little bit, she reached her arms up on her head, looking at Roxas. Histoire continued sitting on her book, thinking a little, lifting her finger up to her lips and bit it gently. "As you all know Planeptune and the other nation's have been overrun by Heartless…" Histoire paused, looking at the group and they nodded. "Planeptune is in the same predicament." Neptune and Nepgear exchanged glances for a longer time. Histoire caught onto their worried glances and smiles reassure assuring to them. Compa fell down on the couch next to IF, shaking her head a little in disbelief.

Nepgear stared at the floor thinking, she knew they couldn't look the heartless without keyblades but the only person in the room with keyblades were Roxas. She bit her lower lip somewhat hard, crossing her srks in frustration Asher mind ran numerous questions in her mind with very few answers. Roxas glanced over at Nepgear as she was thinking, before he could say anything she spoke. "Roxas, can…" said Nepgear. Roxas looked at his purple hair friend. "Yeah, Nepgear?" asked Roxas, "Can you teach us, on how to get our own keyblades?" said Nepgear staring at him sincerely, not once breaking eye contact. Roxas' eyes widened a bit at the request.

To be continued….

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