chapter 1 (Ish?)

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                      ~Errors pov~

I can't believe what 404 is saying! Start destroying? Is he out of his mind?!

"H3ll n0!" I shout at my "bro"

He looks cunfused. "Why not? You used to love destroying!"

I sigh. "Exactly. I "used" to. I used to love destroying AUs, but I just cant do that anymore! Look at me, 404. I'm old, I'm not fit for that job anymore. I'm not young, I have a husband, I have kids! I even found a family, and besides, me and Ink made a truce. No more creation, no more destruction."

404 taps his chin. "Ah, I see. You have children, correct?"

Why do I have a bad feeling about this? "Y3s. Why d0 you a$k?"

"Well, I just want to see them! After all, I would enjoy to be a 'uncle' very much!"

I sigh. "Radier is over there and Gradient is in the hall."
I say as I point to them in turn.

404 smiles. "Wonderful! What beautiful children you have made! Say....... Can I take a closer look at, Gradient?"

Gradient walks over to him. "Sure. Need something? Other than a destroyer of worlds, that is."

404 chuckles. "Well aren't you just a spiting image of your.....mother. you clearly took his looks. I wonder......... what kind of attacks you have? Like....bones, or............strings?"

"Well, I have strings and bones."

Wait... I stand up and run to 404 "I kn0w wh@t your trying to d0, and !7 W0NT w0rk, MY Gradient will NOT become the new destroyer!"

"Aw, but why not? We need a destroyer just as we need a creater! And I've already got a new creater! He goes by Pallete roller! So, why not let Gradient become the destroyer? I'm sure he will love it just as much as you did, ruru!"

Nightmare growls. "Stay the hell away from Gradient. We won't stand for that s***!"

404 looks somewhat disappointed, but still determined. "Oh come on, just let him try it out at LEAST. Who knows, maybe he will love it!"

Gradient looks at me, then to 404, then back at me, then right back to 404.
Radier walks up to Gradient, looking surprised. "Don't tell me you actually WANT to try it out, bro!"

" sounded interesting....."

404 smiles widely. "See? He wants to do it! Just give it a shot!"

I scowl at my 'brother' "hell. No."

"B-but mom, i-"

Nightmare pushes Gradient away from 404. "No. No buts, and no way! I don't think your welcome here anymore, 404."

He sighs and turns away. "Alright, alright. I don't understand, but I respect your choices. I bid you, farewell. Oh and ruru? I hope you live happily."

               -At the nighttime owo-

                   ~Gradients pov~

I'm in my room, in my bed.
It's around 11:36 for some reason, I just can't sleep. I keep thinking about that 404 guy. He said how mom loved to destroy, but mom only ever said it was a pain. I roll over and cover my face with a pillow. Why doesn't mom and dad want me to destroy? Uncle cross would talk about how he, mom and dad would go out and destroy worlds and cause havock across the multiverse.

everything's lovely with you. (sequel to EHWY)  old and cringeWhere stories live. Discover now