chapter 2

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         ~Gradients pov~

I feel tears fall down my face. Basically everything I have known us a lie! Ink is actually my dad?! Pallete Pat's my back in a comforting way, but it doesn't help.

"I'm sorry that i was the one to tell you this, but it needed to be done. Infact, to make you feel better, I will introduce you into an old.....Friend of mine. But, before we do, I shall take you an a tour of the Multiverse! Would you like that?"

I wipe away my tears and smile.
"Yea, ok."

"Sure! That sounds like a blast!"
Pallete says with joy.

404 claps his hands together. "Splendid! Follow me, children!"

404 leads us through a portal, on the other side, it is only black.
"This. Is the save screen! There is a monster that lives here by the name, Geno! Haven't met him, heard he is nice."

404 looks at his phone before panicking. "O-oh golly! Uh, you kids stay here, I will be back in just a minute, promise! Just, don't leave, ok?"

Me and Pallete nod our heads in unison. He turns away, but before he leaves, I run up and hug him.
"Thank you. For taking us here, for helping us, and for telling me the truth. Thank you.....uncle 404!"

Pallete smiles and hugs Uncle 404 along with me. "Yeah! Your the best uncle ever Uncle 404!"

404 gives a nervous chuckle and hugs us back. "U-uh, thanks, kids..."

"It's no problem!" I say, smiling back at him.

"I-I got to go...bye."

We wave goodbye as he runs through a portal.

                 ~Error 404s pov~

I quickly run through the portal. Those kids are to good for their own good! They trust me to much, it's almost sad. Actually, it is sad. So now I'm sad, I'm not supposed to feel guilty! I haven't even done anything. Yet.

I bury my face in my hands and groan. Why do they have to be so sweet?

"404. Where have you been!"

I jolt, quickly walking up to my brother.

(Im to lazy to do the line text Xd)
"S-sorry Alpha, I got carried away with those kids."

Alpha growls. "Fine. Have you killed them yet?"

I flinch at my brother's question.
"Uhhhhhh, no...."

"Why not?!"

"Well..... I was wondering if, y'know maybe, we could, oh I don't know, uh, perhaps, don't do our plan? Like, stop. And just, leave those kids be?"
I ask while rocking on my heels.

"What?! You want US to STOP the mission we have been planning for over a decade?!"
Alpha yells at the top of his lungs.

"Well, uh.......yes?"

"We have been working on this since our dear friend HATE was killed and you want us to stop?! What would HE Say right now?!"

"O-oh, well I think it would be fine, cuz, y'know, he's DEAD so I don't think it will matter to him!"
I say with a nervous chuckle.

Alpha yells.

"Ok, that's fine..."

Alpha rubs his forehead. " there any other kids that would get in our way? Do they have any other.... siblings?"

I pause. The kids, Radier....
"Hm, nope. The only siblings there are Gradient and Pallete."

Alpha smiles. "Your sure?"

"100 percent! I checked all over!"

"Ok. Good."

Before I can say anything, Alpha smiles darkly.

"Fatel? Get him."
Alpha says darkly.

Before I can react, fatel Error grabs my arms and puts them behind my back.

"Brother. Do think I'm stupid? Do you think I'm an idiot?"

"Of course not!"
I say, trying not to sound scared.

"Clearly you think I am. I watched you, I KNOW you didn't forget about Radier~"

I gasp, I'm in deep sh**.

"Your a lier. I will kill them myself. Take him to the dungeon."

I yell, fear building up.

He walks up close to me
"Oh, but I do~"

He leans in right to my face. "TRAITOR"

Alpha walks away as I am draged into a stair way that leads to the dungeon I made.

"No. No stop! You can't put me here! Let me go I command you!"
I yell.

But no one cared.

                  ~Palletes pov~

Me and Gradient sit on the cold ground of this void. Uncle 404 is taking a long time to come back. I wonder what he's doing?


We turn our heads to see two  skeletons, one looks to be my age.
They are wearing a pure white jacket with a red scarf, the other looks to be only a year younger. They are wearing a pure white dress with a redish-pink ribbon around their neck.

"Hi! I'm shino!" The smaller one says.

I look to the other one, who looks kinda cute. "Are you Geno?"

They chuckle. "Nope! That's my mom! My name is Goth!"

==AAAAAOMFG IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I HAD WRITERS BLOCK AND I WAS MOVING AND A LOT OF CRAZY STUFF WAS GOING ON AND I APOLOGISE! I was doing a lot of stuff, but one thing that held me back was that I wasn't sure what to do with 404. I had and idea, where he and Alpha would be super nice but kinda crazy, then some people said they didn't trust 404 then I started thinking, then I had like, five ideas on what to do with him and I couldnt decide! But I'm glad I chose this one! Thank you for being patient!==XOXO Tami~

everything's lovely with you. (sequel to EHWY)  old and cringeWhere stories live. Discover now