Taking Her Home

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( Demi's Pov)

They just called mom, and they know where Riley is. I'm so excited to see her. I want to see how much she changed. They just said that she has really long brown hair and loves to wear converse. When we got there I saw a really big field. This must be a really big orphanage or just has a lot of kids. OMG I am so wrong the house is so small but the field is so big. They must really like to excercise. Those kids must really like to excircise; they have all the sports and weight equipment. That is really weird I just walked passed the field and there was only on kid there. Mom asked for Riley and they caretaker gave mom the papers to sign. When Riley came in, I noticed that she was the one that was excercising. Wow! She is so fit I even think she has a 8 pack. Hopefully she will accept our family and like me for me not because of my fame.

(Dianna's pov)

When I saw Riley again I just started crying. When I finally calmned down I introduced our family. "So Riley I am Dianna I am your mom Eddie your stepdad but you can just call him dad and this is Dallas Demi and Madison" "Hi I'm glad I found my real family if I may ask how did I get here?" "Well when you were half a year old you had a high fever and had to go to the hospital. Then when the doctors came back they said someone had taken you." "Oh I'm sorry you must have felt so broken inside." "Its alright but on the brighter side would you like to com ehome with us?" "Really?" "Yes really now get packed up and we'll go." "Thank you so much" It is going to feel like the whole family once Riley come home I hope she likes it at our house. We should get to know each other more at home.

(Maddie or Madison's pov)

I really like Riley we both like the same colours; black,blue and purple.(a/n im not sure if it is her real fav colous its mine though) When we got home mom and Demi suggested that we should play a game of 21 questions to get to know Riley more. It went a bit like this...

(D-Dad or Eddie M-Mom or Dianna Da-Dallas De-Demi R-Riley Ma-Maddie)

D-So what is you favorite food


M-What is your favorite sport

R-Volleyball and Basketball

Da-What is your favorite subject in school

R-Math and Science

De-Who is or are your favorite singers

R-Fifth Harmony and Little Mix

Ma-Do you get bullied

R-No but I used to

D-Do you like books


M-What grade are you in

R-Well I'm in grade 12 believe it or not

Da-What how are you in grade 12

R-I'm very good in school because my friend are in University now they would visit the orphanage and teach me stuff

De-Are you planning on going to uni next year

R-Well no but I think I'm going to go to online school.

Ma-Can you do my homework for me

R-No but I can help you understand it

Riley is a prodigy in like every thing. Ugh we have an hour till we get home.

(Eddie's pov)

Everybody fell asleep Riley looks so cute when she's sleeping. "Everyone wake up. We are here." Everyone woke up but Riley she must be really sleepy I carried her to Demi's bed to sleep. OMG I just remembered her highschool is 2 and a half hours away. We should put her in Maddie's school.

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