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"Hi, Captain Jack Harkness."

-LI century lingo for 'how you doin gurl'


Word count: 2110 (*-*)

Nina pulled Martha away and kept holding the Doctor's hand tightly as she pushed on the lever that slided the Doctor into the Chamber. She pushed the buttons to write 200, and then pushed the button to activate the chamber.

She felt the Doctor's grip on her hand tighten as he started to yell continuously, the machine freezing his body to negative temperatures. Nina watched with teary eyes as the screen showed the temperature going down rapidly until it stopped and the whole machine went off.

"No, no!" The Doctor yelled. A small layer of ice was now covering his hair and his suit, along with Nina's hand that was still inside the machine. "You can't stop it, not yet!" He let out another pained scream.

"Powers been cut in engineering," Nina told the two women. "Go!" McDonnell left immediately, but Martha hesitated. "Martha, go! And keep her from dying," she added. Martha nodded gravely and ran away, off the room.

Nina muttered to herself as she went to the power generators. Usually, a med-center would be the one place that had them, but apparently, theirs wasn't working. Nina had an idea pop into her head and ran to the intercom.

"Martha, help them get to Area 1, then dump the fuel!" she yelled. "Give it back what they took from it, give it what it wants!"

"Nina," she heard her name being called. The Doctor had fallen from the Statis Chamber, and his body and suit were now completely defrosted. She kneeled down in front of him, grabbing his face in her hands. His hands immediately flew to her waist to keep himself stable, depending entirely on her.

"I've got you," she whispered to him, resting her forehead against his.

"You have to go," he managed to get out through his teeth. "I can't - I don't want to hurt you," he whimpered.

"You're not, I promise you're not going to," she promised.

"I'm sorry, I can't-- I can't help it," he stuttered, pretty much hyperventilating at this point. Nina sensed how relaxed he was becoming in her arms. He was starting to give up. He was giving in. She took his arms in her hands and shook him ever so slightly.

"No, no!" She practically yelled at him. "You're not giving up, don't you dare!" Nina started to panic as she thought about how terrible he would feel when he woke up and found out the creature had used his body to kill every living being in this spaceship. She couldn't let that happen, not again. Nina grabbed the sides of his face again, sending a big wave of regeneration energy into his body, not even caring if she needed it or not anymore.

Without thinking twice, she pulled his face towards hers and caught his lips into a kiss. Nina had no idea how extremely right it would feel, and she was definitely not prepared for it. The action seemed to pull the Doctor back from his trance as his hands jolted up from her waist to her neck, deepening the kiss. Nina felt like her brain was on fire, but it could also be from the gigantic fever she had. She felt so weak, not sure if it was from the kiss or from the fact that she was using a lot of regeneration energy on him.

The ship suddenly shook. Nina guessed it was probably from the fuel being dumped. The Doctor suddenly doubled forward, gasping for air. Nina watched as his eyes glowed again for a moment before he let a pained scream and his eyes stopped shinning, becoming completely white before going back to their usual hazel colour.

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