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The Doctor walked back into Martha's appartment with his hearts in his hands, but he hid it as best as he could. He had to be strong, just this once, for Nina. She needed him. The Doctor only then realised how much alike they were. Nina was jut like him; she would sacrifice her own well being for the sake of others. He could see it in her how much she is used to being everyone's safe place, the one person everyone can rely on. Well, the Doctor decided that this time, she wouldn't have to. He was going to be her safe place, he was going to be her anchor.

He walked into the living room as soon as the Master's announ ement started. Nina was sitting on the sofa, next to Martha, and Jack was just standing up. He walked behind Nina and sqeezed her shoulder, sending her a reassuring smile when she turned around to face him.

"Britain, Britain, Britain. What extraordinary times we've had. Just a few years ago, this world was so small. And then they came, out of the unknown, falling from the skies," his voice kept on ringing as the television showed diffeent images of alien inasions. "You've seen it happen... Big Ben destroyed, a spaceship over London." Nina frowned. The Big Ben was destroyed? "All those ghosts and metal men. The Christmas star that came to kill. Time and time again the government told you nothing. Well not me. Not Harold Saxon. Because my purpose here today is to tell you this... citizens of Great Britain... I have been contacted. A message, for humanity, from beyond the stars."

"What the actual hell," Nina murmured, earning a frown foform her Doctor. The Master nodded to someone -- or something -- off camera. Suddenly, an image appeared on top of the Master's face. It was a small sphere that looked a lot like a round version of R2D2.

"People of the Earth, we come in peace," a high-pitched, female-like voice said. "We bring great gifts. We bring technology and wisdom and protection. And all we ask in return is your friendship." Nina shivered from that.

"Aww," the Master did with a pout upon his face. "How sweet. And this species has identified itself. They're called the Toclafane."

"What?!" Exclaimed Nina and the Doctor at the exact same time.

"And tomorrow morning they will appear. Not in secret, but to all of you." Nina stood up abruptly as the Doctor raised his eyebrows. What exactly was his plan? "Diplomatic relations with a new species will begin. Tomorrow, we take our place in the universe." Nina now understood why so many people had voted for him. His voice was almost hypnotic. "Every man, woman and child. Every teacher and chemist and lorry driver and farmer. And every... oh, I don't know... medical student?"

The Doctor's neck snapped back to Martha as they realized the trap they had fallen in. Nina reached for the TV and turned it around, revealing a load of dinamite strapped onto its back. She gasped out loud as the Doctor yelled for everyone to get out. Obviously, he stopped to take Martha's laptop before he actually followed the rest of them outside.

They managed to get out of the building and onto the other side of Martha's street before they heard a big explosion. They looked back and saw her window shooting up flames, windows expluding and glass flying everywhere.

"Everyone all right?" The Doctor asked them when the exposions died out.

"Yeah," Nina said.

"I'm fine," Jack assured.

"Martha?" The Doctor asked when she didn't answer. They all turned to her and realised she was using her phone.

"Martha, what are you doing?" Nina asked worryingly.

"He knows about me," Martha said. "What about my family?"

"Don't tell them anything!" The Doctor warned them.

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