Fever part 1

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"Are you fucking serious ?" Nicki asked with a smile "you're not who people think you are. And I'm definitely not exactly what you think I am." She began sitting up from her slouched position on the bed her hair didn't show any signs of their rendezvous but swollen lips gave her away.

"What the fuck are you on about?" He sighed beginning to get dressed. "You! Everyone thinks you're on some Prince Charming shit and you haven't been since that incident. Now you're like some contradicting Prince Charming player hybrid and nobody bats an eye not even you" she pressed on opening his black case taking out the rolled blunts and black lighter. "Why would they ? I'm not going around fucking with peoples feelings"
"That's not what I'm getting at" she mumbled into the large black body pillow he always kept as she pulled a blunt out.
"It's just that everyone thinks I'm this raging bitch because I didn't pick you first..." her brows furrowed as she tried to find her point. She restarted "actually no. My problem is everyone thinks I'm supposed to feel special that you stopped fucking around  and acted your age for me. Like that's supposed to be a grand gesture ??" She rolled her eyes. She'd already fell for it as a romantic gesture once but in the end she realized it really wasn't anything to feel great about. It seems appealing to be the one in that sense but what's so special about a guy that would happily put his dick in several girls a week wanting you anyways.

"It's not just about not being with my usual amount of girls. It means I'm invested in you" and I didn't need to pretend anyone else was you. he retorted lighting the blunt for her. She waited until she inhaled that first puff before going on "I just don't get why it's already expected from me but when you do it it really means something more. I don't get it" She said calmly offering him the blunt, it was his after all.

"Get what." His jaw tightened at her saying loved in the past tense as if the feelings were long gone he took a long  pull of his best strand "I don't get why I'm the bad apple here because everyone feels you loved me more because you behaved like a normal person for me. I wasn't trying to hurt you-"

"Why are we talking about this again?" He finally cut her off not caring how snide he sounded. It was always a gruesome process of going over the past with a fine toothed comb until she felt okay with it. This time he couldn't do it , it just might send him looking for excuses to take time away from her again. "Because we
were the same yet everyone thinks you're the only one that got hurt. Please you owe me an apology." The words spilled out of her mouth surprising them both, this time he laughed and she glared.
"For what? What exactly do I owe you an apology for ? Sorry I loved you at a time initially inconvenient to you although you didn't seem to mind when you felt unappreciated?" He asked pulling the lace on his shoes tighter than needed.

"Yes!" She replied angrily crawling over to him not even bothering to drag the sheet along. "You're insane." He said realizing she had actually meant to say yes and wasn't jumping the gun. "No I'm not. You didn't even know me drake, you had everyone thinking you were madly in love and I was some evil bitch who just strings you along while trying out everyone else."

"Isn't that exactly what happened ?" He threw his hands up not sure of what to do other than laugh to keep from yelling. "No what happened was you had this idea of what I was like but the second I did something that's like the real me you got ugly. And you made sure everyone felt the same way" her voice was steady as if they were just talking about something simple like a bad restaurant. He swallowed a lump in his throat and scratched the top of his nose indicating that his other side was creeping up on him. "The real you ? You're going to sit there and say I didn't accept the real you ? That's what that grimy shit was ? The real you ?" He mocked. She sighed shaking her head at the path this conversation was going down, they were going to argue and he was going to be mad at her for a year again. It made her feel nauseous it made her wish they could go back to forty minutes ago and just fuck the stress away and stay in that dazed state right after climax for a bit longer. But it was happening again like it always did and it was getting worse, so she pushed herself to say it "You don't even know the real me. And I don't think you want to I've played a part for too many people and I didn't want to play one with you. I get that everyone thinks we're like this perfect old friends to lovers story but that's just not what it actually is. Not when you're just now actually learning about who I am it's different" she dropped her folded arms exposing her breasts. He blinked at the sight shaking the passing thoughts out of his head "why won't you just admit you fucked up and stop giving me this crap about not knowing you. You never really know anyone until you share a life with them we started to and yeah I learned the real you real quick"

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