Chapter 30: Towards the Spiral

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Hello everyone, I'm back with a new chapter for all of you to enjoy!

I'm really, REALLY sorry about my sudden absence. A lot of personal issues have been happening and just put me out of the mood to write. When I write in a sad or depressed mood, it looks like garbage, so I just needed to back away until I fully recovered. Maybe I'll share with you all what happened, but please forgive me for allowing all of this to get in the way of all of my stories.

So I'm pleased with the positive reviews that you all left me about the romance. It was my first time attempting it, and I have to say that I'm glad that you all enjoyed it. I'm gonna try and make the next one even better that way you guys can really enjoy it.

My RWBY story was posted some time ago, and I'm pleased with how it's going, so please take the time to go and read it.

Another thing, why haven't you followed me on Twitter? I asked nicely, and I just not that likable? ;_; I'm sorry! I'll attempt to be a better person! Just give me your love!

Review Time!

mellra: Could be possible, not putting it out of the realm of possibility.

dethdraco666: That's a good idea, I'll most likely change it in the transition to Shippuden if I can't find another wardrobe change area.

YamiChaos27: Yes, yes she does. An adorable Moogle plushie that will do something special later on.

NarutoKushina: I'm sure that she knows of the basics that were said. As for Fuu, I'm going to try to get her back in after this next arc.

Guest 1: That's why I'm going to be buffing up the villains, to keep their threatening presence affective.

Dragon Man 180: Oh you'll see the doll in action eventually, just wait. Hah! Itachi just looks ahead and goes, "Nope" before walking away! That's hilarious!

Serpiente Obsidiana: That fight is possibly going to happen after the timeskip, or towards the end of Part 1, haven't really decided yet,.

THE-DUDE remixed: Thank you! Someone who shares the same idea that I have! Those over-the-top declarations of love should only be seen in the Shippuden era or beyond. They're still 12-13 for Pete's sake!

Darth Sygnious: Well, I'm glad to have pleased you with all of this! I'll be sure to make the next one even better!

Ilireanwri: That, is a good idea. I don't know about Toad Sage, but I think I can do Toad Summoner.

: Well, right now Bahamut would one-shot them, but in the Shippuden era, they will have a better chance of surviving and/or beating him. As for your last statement, I'll pass it on to a person I know and see if they'd do it as an omake or something.

Antex-The Legendary Zoroark: Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying this, as a good amount of the stories I've read hold you in high regard!

NicoDaval: Thank you for your words of support, and also, what do you mean by a different section? The story's staying right where it is.

Rekxyen: That's a pretty nice idea, Im already seeing a vision of something like that happen. Unfortunately, that might not happen in this story

That's all for now, let's get back into the action!

Let the party begin!

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