Carol Of The Bells

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I think this gonna be the last chapter on this story. Well no one comments and vote but that's really okay because I'm a rookie author. I'm just playing with my imagination here on Caskett. But there'll be a sequel (or some sequels) from this story. I will write about when the twins is older and starts to chit-chat.

Enjoy :D

*I'm not Mr. Marlow*

*Kate's POV*

       The next day, we went to the electronic centre to buy the stereo I planned to give for the twins. Castle is so excited about this. And, we leave the twins with Martha and Alexis who is willingly to watch them

      "Kate, how about this?" Rick pointed out a... Of course.. It's a kind of the most expensive CD Player. It's kinda weird for me to forget the Castle's style of shopping.

        I shrugged.  "Really? Why don't we look for the cheaper one?"

        "But this one is very cool, Kate! It has so many feature in it," Castle said, pleading and showed the please-I-really-want-this-one expression.

        I rolled my eyes on him."Sure. But I thought we were looking for a stereo?"

       "We are. Here's the plan, we'll bought this as our present for the kids. We can put this one on their nursery. So maybe while you're nursing at late night, you can still feel relaxe because you have this," he points to the CD Player. "Then, we buy the stereo to put into our living room. You know, when there are family meeting, family balls."

        "What kind of family have a family balls?" I laughed.

        "Castle's family," he shrugged.

        "Fine. Whatever you want."


      After  we touring the electronix center for a few frustrating hour later, we finally bought that CD player and a highly considered luxurious stereo. And he said he already have a Christmas present for me! I don't even have his present yet! I don't really confident in myself to write him a story.

        Just then, when Castle is paying for the stuffs and has to sign some papers, I found a bookstore and it kinda catch my interest. There's a really cool plan on the bookstore's display. I decided to have a look. "Castle, I'm going to the bookstore. You meet me on the cafe next door, okay?"

        Castle somehow looks confused. But he said yes eventually. 

        I carefully ran across the road, and went in. "Excusme, Ma'am. Do you sell that pen on the display?"

        The shopkeeper lady smiled at me. "Yes, dear. It's a brand new pen. So cool. Do you want it?"

        "How much is it cost?" I asked, a bit uneasy.

        After she said the price, I pulled out my wallet and gave her my credit card. "I'll take it.

       "Yes, of course, Dear. Just wait a minute."

        Finally, I get to buy that pen. I just need to wrap it up and give it to my husband on Christmas. He'll like this pen.


     Coming up : Parenthood.

Hello, Baby! : A Story Of Richard Castle and Kate Beckett ParenthoodWhere stories live. Discover now