The Reunion Pt. 1

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"Hello world and welcome to the reunion of Love Island Season Three! I'm your host Caroline Flack, and we hope you got a good night's sleep because after this reunion your mind will be reeling with questions, and you'll definitely be stalking a few of our ex islanders social platforms!"

I thought about my social media. I had gained a sizeable following since the show but I was expecting it since I was on the telly.

I'd previously deactivated commenting on my instagram for a while and locked my twitter account. After I stopped posting pictures with Bobby and my presence diminished, people began asking too many questions. I just didn't feel like any response I could give without jeopardizing all of the little privacy I had would quench people's thirst.

"Alright everyone? Lets have a gander at these questions!" Caroline begins, shuffling her cards between manicured fingers.

"First off, the thing everybody wants to know! By show of hands, who's still together?"

A few hands go up, but they don't belong to the people I was anticipating. Henrik and Blake's hands raise first, followed by Chelsea and Elijah. Jakub and Hope both raise their hands too but Noah's hand stays right where it is. Finally, Marisol and Graham beam with their hands up, the other hands holding eachother's.

I think everyone in the room is confused, including me. Jakub and Hope? I knew they had something weird going on in the Villa but they can't seriously be together.

"Okay, this is interesting? I'm going to start out with Henrik and Blake." She says, shifting her eyes back and forth between Hope and Noah with noticeable confusion.

"So, your time in the villa was unfortunately cut short after Victora didn't bring anyone back from Casa Amor, and you were voted off the Island. That clearly didn't seem to effect the relationship between the two of you." She pauses.

"I guess my first question is for Blake. When Victoria came back to the Villa, you were obviously threatened by her presence. The rest of the girls noticed that Henrik just so happened to couple up with a girl who's style and demeanor was quite similar to Victoria's, who he was originally coupled up with. You said something along the lines of, "I don't think we're anything alike, I don't even have to try and we all know Victoria does." What was all that about?"

I interject.

"Honestly, I want to know what that was all about too? Because I was nothing but nice to you when I came back to the Villa, and the welcome I got from you was less than warm."

Rolling her eyes, she smacks her teeth before speaking.

"Henrik was way more into you than you think he was and I was tired of listening to him talk about you. Maybe I was a bit hostile but like, it wasn't just a friendship couple for him. He really wanted to try and work on things but he knew that you and Bobby were love from day one. So, he was afraid that if he didn't recouple with someone he would be voted off the island by default since he knew you weren't going to bring anyone back. Loyalty only exists to some people apparently hon."

She scoffs and flips her hair while the crowd ohh's.

Bobby cuts in.

"Woah Blake, don't you think that's a little bit uncalled for? Just a little. Victoria was loyal. It's just that she was loyal to me, not Henrik. After that disaster of a recoupling when Jakub picked Hope, everyone was kind of forced to pick someone they weren't really interested in. Henrik picked Victoria because I guess he saw some potential there, but who wouldn't? I think all of the guys would have picked her if they had the chance, but they didn't because it was her and I from the beginning."

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