Tarzan and Jane

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Hi guys! We hit 2k! WTF! I love you all so much, I appreciate your input, time and comments more than you know! This chapter will be from both Victoria and Bobby's point of view. I will let you know ahead of time when it switches.

It wouldn't take long to say my farewells to everyone, but I was trying my hardest to drag it out for as long as possible. Unfortunately for me, I had nothing to discuss with anyone, which made it impossible to prolong things.

Everything that needed to be said had already been said and any unspoken truths would just stay hidden.

Truth be told, I was terrified to go anywhere alone with Bobby because I have no self-control, and seeing him has already roused up a fit of emotions that I can't fight off. Not when I hadn't prepared to have to fight them.

Being with him for those two minutes during our break felt like hours and the feelings I still had for him managed to begin seeping through the barrier that I'd worked so hard to put up around my heart for the past few months. Now, everything that I had built was threatening to collapse. The scabs of my poor and sluggishly healing heart were easily ripped away and here I was, bleeding love all over the ground.

I guess that's inevitable when you try to build skyscrapers on a weak foundation.

Turning my attention toward Chelsea, I push through the anxiety of these being my final moments with everyone before it's just him and I solo, and try to focus on what fun we'll be having the next day.

"Chels, can you go ahead and text me the details for our meetup tomorrow? I want to make sure I have the right outfit laid out because if not I have to go buy something."

"Yeah, most definitely babe. Elijah and I are heading out soon but I'll text you when we get settled in the hotel. We're probably all meeting early tomorrow so don't be out too much longer and get some rest yeah?" She lifts her brows, shifting her eyes between Bobby and me.

"Oh yeah trust me I will. I may run an errand or two but then it's shower, eat, sleep for me. Not sure what Bobby plans on doing but I assume things will be the same for him?" I look to him for confirmation

"So, you want to shower with me is what you're saying. Cool. I guess I can do that. You don't have to beg." He says shrugging his shoulders with confidence before laughing.

Chelsea looks at him with big eyes.

He puts his hands out. "Once again, kidding. I'm kidding."

I put up my best front. "Not even in your wildest dreams."

He teases. "You say that now, but just wait until we get alone in that room." Winking as he walks off.

"I'm kidding Victoria. You have nothing to worry about love." He says from afar, going to speak with Noah.

They speak briefly before Noah looks up at me, smirks, and looks back to Bobby.


Chelsea looks at me before clapping her hands together excitedly. "O, double m, gee gee gee, he totally still loves you. Do you see the way he looks at you? He's still in love with you Tori!"

A part of my heart beats that I haven't felt in a long time.

It's one thing to think it yourself, but when others around you do too, it kind of just solidifies it in your mind. Now I'm in this state of unrealistic expectations and I need to travel as far away from it as I can get in the next twenty minutes.

Do I think he still loves me?

Regardless of what happens this weekend, I'll be back in the States in a few days and he'll be back in Glasgow. We can continue our lives without worrying about what the other is doing and I can give my heart a break with a real chance to heal.

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