The Reunion Pt 2. Backstage

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Victoria's reunion dress above!

"...but we will revisit a few topics with the winners of the show later. We're going to cool things down a bit here and break for commercial but don't go too far, we'll be right back."

The directors cut off the camera for a break and thankfully everything slows down for a while.

I can finally take a breath. I was about to lose it out there.

Caroline begins shouting out a list of what's expected  of us next. "Everyone has ten minutes to get a drink, relieve yourselves, do whatever you need to do. You need to come back to the same place when you're done though, no seat rearranging."

Ten minutes is enough time for a quick mental breakdown in the bathroom :)

Laughing at my own depressing thoughts I jump up and and rush toward the dressing rooms, barely avoiding a collision with Jo.

She rolls her eyes. "Watch where you're going. Always in the way, in the villa and now here too."

And that's why I voted that ass off the show after the baby challenge.

"So.. you shaved your head completely? Where'd you get the idea to do that? You're the only person I know who could pull it off. Giving me some serious caillou vibes, but like.. it's cute." I chuckle at myself

I'm going to use that again

"Winning the game and fumbling the money? You're the only person I know who could pull that off. Giving me sad, depressed bitch. It suits you." Smirking, she flips her head as if there were hair and saunters toward the refreshments table.

"Don't hurt your neck trying to whip the air love!." I call out after her before focusing my attention to Lottie.

She laughs. "You deserved that and you know it." A humored look on her face.

I smile. "Maybe."

"But ignore her, you didn't fumble anything babes. Good deeds are rewarded with great things. Something good is on it's way to you, I saw it in my tea this morning." She says patting my shoulders.

I thought you could only see your own life in your cuppa, not someone else's? Or can you see theirs but you need their cup? Too much.

"Please tell me it was some dick girl? It's been so long since Bobby, I'm pathetic. My best friend is a little pink, chargeable, handheld device."

She laughs at me. "A Nintendo?"

Cracking up, I begin to settle down from the pressure of the questions I was bombarded with just a few minutes ago.

"By the way you genuinely look stunning babes, like this outfit is really doing it for your body. You could look good in a paper bag but this dress is really hugging you in all the right places, and your hair looks so healthy."

My heart warms at her compliments. I had the hair and makeup team put my hair in an ultra high slick ponytail just because my hair has been really unruly lately.

"I love you Lots, you always know how to make a girl feel better."

Priya walks up behind soon after.

"What's the chat about ladies? Also, are you okay Vic? This must be a lot for you, you know seeing Bobby and talking to him so much, reliving a lot of your most romantic moments."

Way to lay it on! Am I being dramatic or did that seem like a jab?


I'm being dramatic.

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