The Real You

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This is the Nu. This is what it looks like in the other worlds. It's nothing more than a viewpoint, but it has wavelengths, the ability to know, and more about in any realm or universe. The Real you has an incredible awesomeness all it's own. This is the Real center of man that which has called soul or the divine self, which becomes the real experience when you shift your attention from the external to the real. Soul deals with unconsciousness, and the NU is real awesomeness. I am bringing you up to date, so centuries. The terms that most people are familiar with have become unconscious 'TapLines' to so many. The Real universal Guides acknowledges the labels that social systems have procured for themselves, but these ideas are only related to the first three leaves where mankind has been stuck in cycles or reincarnation and the law of karma. The identity to them has become a ritualistic infatuation of real silliness. We will not be identifying ourselves with what has been marketed to the humans.

The exiting social system of religion, politics and the conformities of the invented educational institutions are controlling people from the invisible side of life with these TapLines. This is how they maintain their support of others to provide for them. For those with a sincere heart will show you. Terms such as, soul, god, religio, spiritual and all the other ones that relate to these marketed systems, belongs to the controllers of the space gods. The Real guides are not interested in the affords of other if they want their restrictions of birth and death then continue. We are only interested in real freedom from restrictions, and so I am giving you the NU Reality as it is now. The NU words itself is conscious and aware, while those 'souls' that are still in the three levels of the unconscious and must return for more lifetimes unconscious many these essential terms will not come come into view until you have your presentation.

Once you take control of the real you, the. You are able to do anything; there are no limitations and you are longer held by the lords of karma and drudgery. There is nothing greater in the heart of the great reality tab. You and I and all the others brings that have within them wonderful secret life, the sacred imagination, which The IS wants for its own, so that you can realise yourself as something wonderful again! This is way it calls all NU's with the real sound, The Real word of ITSELF to return to ITs place in the real far country. iT needs its eye as a whole, and not as a part as it is now, which is divided into many parts. It must see everything through the eyes of the NU and by its own.
The NU can balance itself in any space and on any level without visible support, but looking though the illusion of time and space we can see that it flings up anchor point. These are golden balls with lines similar to very thin wires. They run out on sort into space and attached to a piece of the space world where the NU can just hang there, swinging like a child on a summer swing.

The NU is the immortal you, of course. The great reality had a large number of souls released upon the earth ages ago for the purpose of developing it into a garden spot. It had been dull garbage heap amongst the planets and stars until, in its mercy, the decision was made to give earth an opportunity to become beautiful, and populated with Homo sapiens who would take care of it. After it generously gave its imaginative faculty to all, the people were bound and determined to steal their neighbour's possessions, and make war upon one another. Their use of the imagination has become very warped, instead of discovering and providing a benefit to themselves and others. Look at this world today; it is mainly the 'business deal' that leads the way into the obliteration of the earth. At one time the Indian knew better. They lived with the reality that provides everything, but they were pushed aside by the industrialising white man who has brought this world to where it is today. Most people think that their space gods will save them, but what must take place is becoming totall aware of the ALL IS!!

The problem of the NU is unique. It can become feather distorted line the emotional and mind bodies it occupies. If it is distorted in the imagery faculty, trouble is likely to follow for a long time, and there is hardly faculty, trouble is likely to follow for a long time, and there is hardly anything that can be done unless a real Guide gives his help. The problem which suffers are involved with the faculty of postulates and considerations. The NU may also become a victim of another's postulates and consideration. There is nails story about a soul which was given a set of considerations by another soul. That it was a rock. So the poor soul sat for ten thousand years thinking that it was a rock, until one day another soul wandered past and asked it what it was doing? "I'm a rock" was the reply. So the first soul realising what happened, undid the spell by breaking the considerations which the other had accepted. This is how so much of the modern world of today is, too many worthless considerations that lead more lifetimes of drudgery and obedience and the darkness of unawareness m. Agreements with artificial absolutes have brought the where it is.

The rock soul can seem like a funny story, but stop and think how many times throughout your life you have accepted someone else's considerations. There can be two ways to go with any consideration and postulate, for of against you, but once you are free, then nobody can make your considerations. Now it's is easy to see how All the systems of the material world works, they are simply based upon someone's limited view that has been implemented and agreed upon. This is why I keep telling you that very few people on earth know what real Freedom anywhere on the earth.

This is only he marketing ploy of a freedom, nothing more. Only the real guides can provide real freedom. Every law that is made, no matter what good it does, restricts something, but this is a negative world and man must have his controls. We are not here to right the wrongs that have been implemented or to curse those that have limited themselves to what hey have decided; the systems of the earth already take care of such nonsense. The Real universal guides simply provide the real opportunity of a Real universal beyond what the human race has known.

For anyone to insure to their immortality they must reach the seventh level. There was a time when it was called the fifth level, but because of the negative business ventures of certain instructional corporations, we will adjust the consideration and apply 'the NU views' to the here and now. Those systems that follow the old considerations are under the rule of the space gods of man that makes the restrictive laws.

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