zombie mansion

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It was a dark, creepy, rotten mansion that was abandoned like you would see in a video game.
I was with my dad and two other people that I didn’t recognise but I knew they was guide.

We was in a wardrobe that was broken and rotten and lots of boxes  we and the guide were ant size in this wardrobe hiding behind the boxes waiting for... but then we heard the groan of the undead, the sound of them dragging their body parts down against the brittle wood  and as soon as we all seen this Zombie we all leaped at this zombie and grew in size and slashed this monster.

As we all explored this dark, dirty, fragile mansion we had seen more zombie on the way and also killed them off and as we did that a light and gold sparks would appear right above us and we would be more stronger and became for safe and it would say you levelled up! Keep going.

As we all reached a room in the mansion it has lots of Crate’s in as we all looked around in this mysterious room I seen that one of the crates had a little peeping hole and was about to look before it shattered right in front of me and a it was human but dead with its skin decaying groaning and running right at us before I knew it I swung and it’s head came straight off.

Suddenly, light was all that we could see and then we would in another part of the mansion it was a enormous room but still full of dust, dirt, cobwebs and all that nasty stuff you would see and smell.
We was all lost for words when we seen this snake like dragon like the one out of Harry Potter the Basilisk we all looked at each other and thought this is the boss and we began to Strike it with our invisible light-savers that slashed up this monster into sushi Pieces.

unexpectedly, all the pieces of the monster raised in the air it was like the sunlight beaming though the clouds and after that had happen everywhere turned to gold and sparkly! That’s how it ended

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