robotic spider

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The elevator opened directly into a private office, a huge room occupying the corner of the building with floor-to-ceiling windows giving views in two directions of a dying forest and another buildering that was boarded off. Walking to the head of the huge table which had a notebook lying open and a stack of papers sitting underneath it.

Just as I was about to take a look at the mysterious notebook I locked eyes this big robotic eyes that were ocean blue but then they turned to a blood red when they seen me. I was like a rabbit min headlights. Running down the hall as these giant robotic spiders chased after me with there metallic legs making cracks in the floor. I seen a open window and I decided to make a leap for it.

Tumbling down the rocky hill with a far bit of grass on. I seen the Robotic spider didn't give up chasing me and I was running towards the forest which I seen a metel pole i grabbed it. I got a different perspective I was seeing myself running with the metel pole and the leading giant robotic spider took a huge jump to land on me but the metel pole I was holding extended and went straight thought the robotic spider you could also hear the electric noise of the spider stop.

just as I was about to hit the other robotic spider they was being destroyed by this beam of light.

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