creating my own universe

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The moon under siege by stars seemed to lighten the night bringing forth stars that shone and hung in the blackness. The never ending blackness consumed everything. Except the stars which stood out like pebbles in front of a storm. The wind was chill, and the stars burned with the brilliant sapphire pallor of electric light and as for the sky began to gain colours like a flowing river.

I was on a gold floating platform that was in space you could see through it and the golden glitter sparkles that glowed that trickle-down from the platform that I was sat cross-legged on. Moving my hands forward reaching out for this star that was now right in front of I hand both of my hands right beside it and moved them in a circle around it.

I hold out my hand in shock. Looking at the universe that I just created in my hands as I was looking at the universe looks like a big black curtain dotted by pearls of ivory and glimmers of sparkling diamond white. As I could make it huge or tiny but in the moment it just fits in my hand as I carefully touching as if it was a fragile piece of glass. I expanded it so I could have a look what was in this universe and it all looked the same as a normal universe but the only difference was the earth it was golden.

Holding my hand out as the earth came glading over perfectly placed in my palm as I look at golden earth it was had a blinding shine as the suns light shot through it glimmering wickedly in the sunlight. I wanted to see more so I moved my hands inwards and the golden like earth went huge and I was in the centre of it. It was beautiful! I could see lots of lights all around the golden earth. It was like being on the platform I was on early aside from this one was circle and lights that was in different areas and I looked all around at the the lights they became more brighter and golden light filled my vision.

The Real Adventure Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora