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Falling asleep curled up next to Noah who was putting out enough body heat to soothe a savage beast to sleep I felt peaceful

" Why is Ella in Noah's lap she should be in the bed"

" Shhhh you wake her up I will beat you Cooper ,she just fell back asleep from a nightmare again " Noah grumbles

" Okay then do you want me to take her " Cooper asked

" Yeah be easy though I need to pee"

" Did She say anything to help with who attacked her"Cooper asked

" Yeah we talked when she woke up around 4 give me a second or two and I'll explain "

Noah went to the bathroom took care of business then tried to calm his hair down he looked like he had been tucked
Mmm Ella under neath Me as I take an fuck her hard to watch her cum all over my cock

Calm down Jr I can't go walking out with a hard on

" So What did she say " Cooper asked once Noah came out

" I'm only going to say this she knows who it was , She told me everything but I will be telling everyone when they get here but do know this no one will hurt her as long as I am breathing "

" This is serious isn't it " Cooper asked

" Yes "

" Coooper"
" Yes Ella "
" where did Noah go "

" I'm right here Bambino I had to use the bathroom go back to sleep you still have time "

" No I need a shower if I can and food my belly is growling "

" Yes you can shower Granddad Gabriel packed a bag and gave to me since I was the first one ready this morning"

Shifting in Coopers lap I got up slowly Noah offered his hand to me and led me to the bathroom kissed my forehead and left me to shower

After getting the water right I stripped off the gown and panties I had my back to the door when I heard it open then shut
Thinking it was Just one of them making sure I was okay I turned around

" What the hell happen to your abdomen Daniella "

I tried to scream but it came out sounding like I was choking grabbing the towel to wrap myself up

The door opens again
" What the Hell are you doing Brantley get out of the bathroom now " Noah yelled pulling his brother out of the bathroom

The door shuts I close my eyes as the tears start to fall my knees go weak
I'm caught before I hit the ground
" Bambino I got you "
" Noah " I croaked out
" Yes Bambino it's okay let it out "
He sits down on the floor with me in his lap
I cried for a few minutes in his arms shifting in his lap a couple of times

" Bambino you keep moving like that and I'm going to have a hard on "
I stopped moving
He chuckled under me
" Don't worry Bambino your beautiful ass feels great against my cock "
A shiver ran down my body

" Let's get you that shower I'll go deal with my Brother " Noah says as we stand up he pops me in the ass then rubs the sting away
I let out a low moan

" Mmm Bambino likes her ass Smack good to know " he says as he leaves the bathroom

I finally get in the shower and let the warm water flow across me relaxing my tense muscles I took my time washing and shaving
Turning off the water I grabbed the towel and dried off
Granddad Gabriel packed a pair of shorts Tank top , socks and tennis shoes panties and bra
I got dressed all of the clothes were new even the shoes they all had tags on them

After I got dressed I worked on my hair I left it down blow drying
I packed up all the stuff and put it back in the bag then opened the door to see Brantley with an ice pack on his face

Grabbing the paper off the table

Why does Brantley have an Ice pack on his face

Flipping the paper to show everyone

" Because he ran into my hand" Noah says

What the hell Noah

" Don't you cuss at me Bambino I will not hesitate to spank your ass "

Not now Noah

"Oh yes right now Bambino No foul language " he growls

No hitting your brother, now I'm not going ask again why , I need something to eat or all of you are going to be introduced to A Hangry Ella

"Granddad North has food in the conference room for you so come on" Cooper said as he took my arm

We went down the hallway to the conference room it was filled with my grandparents and my parents and my Aunts and Uncles

I knew I was in some serious trouble now , When it's a Whole Family meeting someone has gotten into trouble

" Ella I have some different foods for you depending on how bad your throat is "

Scratchy and sore kinda like when I got my tonsils taken out

"Okay then we will go with Jello , a Pb&J and Because Luke brought it a Milkshake

What kind

" Chocolate Peanut Butter" Luke answered

Mmmm yummy

" God I love you " Luke chuckles

" Eat and then we will talk " Daddy Morgan said

I took my time eat one it hurt to swallow and two the longer I took the more my parents would calm down I hoped

" Okay Ella are you good "

I gave the thumbs up sign

" Alright I know Noah wants to read what you wrote last night detailing what happen and the other questions he asked so Go ahead Noah" Granddad Owen says

" Okay let me just say this might be hard for you all to hear but keep silent until I'm done "

Over the next ten minutes Noah read the questions he asked and the answers I supplied to him
The room was eerily quiet as he talked

As he read the part where I described the abuse I felt the tears start to form in my eyes I looked down at my hands
I see feet in front of me but don't look up
" Up Princess "
Keeping my head down still until I felt a finger lift my face
" Princess I said up " Brantley says his eyes were filled with worry

I stood up he moved behind me sat in the chair then pulled me into his lap wrapping me in his arms

" You can finish " Brantley says

Noah continued to read the conversation to everyone

As I sat in Brantley's lap he gently rubs my back and my body relaxes into his , his body heat lulls me sleep but not before he whispers
" I will never let him hurt you again Princess "

Daniella " Ella" BlackBourne -A Short Story ( completed)Where stories live. Discover now