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It's been six weeks since the last interaction with Arseny it seem he up and disappeared but we aren't letting our guard down

It's Matthew , Cooper and Sally's wedding day seems that I'm going to be an aunt again Sally is pregnant with Twins so they moved up the wedding so all of the families are at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens along the Ashley River for the Wedding which has began I'm currently standing with Sally's Sister Carrie who is the Maid of Honor , Kendall my older brother is a Groomsmen and so Is Colton , Sally and Carrie's cousin who needs to learn manners

Once the ceremony is over Colton offers his arm to me and I have to take it to walk back down the isle when I get to the end of the isle Brantley is standing there with a deadly look on his face he offers me his arm I go to take it and Colton who obviously doesn't know that Brantley and Noah are my Masters, jerks my arm back

" I can handle her no need for you to help " he snidely says

" Colton Right " Brantley says

" Yes I am Colton Richmond the Third "

" Well if you don't let go of My Wife there isn't going to be a Fourth" Brantley growls

" There definitely won't be " Noah growls from behind us

Trying to keep from laughing I bit  my lip

Colton let go of my arm so fast

" Well I never " he huffed as he ran away from us

I was then sandwich between them both looking damn delicious in their suites
" God your  beautiful in this dress but I bet you would be even more beautiful naked tied to the St Andrews Cross while we both take turns flogging and whipping you until you beg to cum " Noah says as his fingers trail along my neck line

Rest of the time I was either being cuddled with by Brantley or Noah I wasn't left alone at all after the incident with Colton

Before we left for him I gave both Matthew and Cooper a big hug and Sally one too Welcoming her to Our Wild and Crazy Family that if she needed anyone to talk to I'm there for her I know the two men she married very well
Brantley went an brought the car around to us
Noah opens the door I get in the front seat and he shuts my door then gets in

Brantley drives out of the plantation and back towards home
As we got on to the interstate to take 526 over to 26 towards the city I noticed he kept looking in the rear view mirror his hands were gripping the steering wheel his knuckles were white

" Yeah we have a tail "
" Black Tahoe , Sent you the tags which I have a feeling are stolen"
" Looks like three "

" Bran take the third exit then when you get off turn left head down a block Brandon's second shop is there and two of his guys are there and it's secure " Noah says

We flew down the interstate taking the exit at 55 instead of 35
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in and let it out

Brantley didn't even slow down for the turn either the Tahoe was still on our tail
Tires were squealing brakes were being slammed as Brantley took the turn
I could see the Shop and two of Granddaddy Brandon's guys that work for him standing at the gate and I see both are armed

As soon as Brantley turned into the yard the guys shut the gate as soon as the cars ass end passed the gate

The Tahoe goes flying by a gun Is raised out the the window but before it could get a shot off one of the guys got a shot off causing the Tahoe to swerve

When the car finally stopped I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding

" That was no fluke that they were following us " Noah says as he opens the door pulls me out
I melt into his arms then I feel Brantley behind me pressing against me I turned around and melted into him

Daniella " Ella" BlackBourne -A Short Story ( completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz