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Waking up here and there but not fully it was like a dream like State I could hear my family but I couldn't wake up fully

Hearing Brantley cry saying he was so sorry then hearing Noah say the same thing
It hurt my heart I didn't know why they were crying but it hurt my heart

" She should be waking up in a few hours her fever broke two hours ago and she's been really restless "

" Yes She has she's been mumbling in her sleep "

Shifting in the bed I slowly open my eyes my body hurts a lot
Blinking several times to adjust to the light in the room

" Granddaddy " I say softly

" Ella "

" yeah "

" How are you feeling "
" Like a. Bus hit me how are Brantley and Noah "
" They are Okay , they went down to get some food   Ella we have to talk before they come back " Sean says

" Okay "

" Well you know that your arm was broken and the gash on your arm "

"Yeah "

" Well do you remember bleeding from anywhere else "

" No but I do remember being a puddle of blood on the floor before the crates fell on me "

"You had a tear on your lower back that most likely caused by the accident it didn't bleed too much while from what Brantley said you were tied up but when you moved it tore more and began to bleed it goes all the way across your back from the damage to the car it was the seat itself that cut you , Now for the next 6 weeks No Physical activities as in No Sex your back and arm need to heal I mean it Ella " Sean says very sternly

" Okay How is Brantley is he okay "

"Yes He's Fine a little bruised up bit fine "

" Please Tell Arseny is being held somewhere "

" Yes he is and when your ready we will deal with him "

The door creaks open and a scruffy Noah and Brantley come in

" Now I have told her what has happened Now I will tell both of you She is to have no physical activities as in No Sex for 6 weeks to let her body heal I know this isn't what you both want to hear but it's in her best interest to follow orders especially with the fact that she had several doses of Antibiotics that will cancel out any birth control " Sean said

" How are you feeling " Noah asked as he came over to the bed and sat down

" Sore as fuck "

Brantley's head snapped up and he gave me a look

" Princess What did we tell you about cussing. "

" Mmm that you would spank my ass " I say with a grin

" Brat " both say at the same time

Sean Just laughed at us

" I'll go let the others know your awake " Sean says as he leaves the room

I spent two more days in the hospital then was sent home to recover but I didn't go back to the apartment I went to Noah and Brantley's place with the threat of Arseny over with they wanted me to move in with them

It was a long 6 weeks with out sex but it helped us get to know each other better We went out on dates all three of us together or jus two of us
But when we finally got to rekindle our sex life
Brantley took me in the shower then the bed then the kitchen Table
Noah not to be out done by his Twin took me out on the patio right after he took me in the pool then we we ended up in Brantley's office on his desk

Daniella " Ella" BlackBourne -A Short Story ( completed)Where stories live. Discover now