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Why the hell did I walk out that was the single most beautiful fucking blow job I have ever had but my dumb ass self gets in the way I can't let her in I won't let myself feel again
Daniella Grace BlackBourne god she is beautiful from head to toe

I was honest with her I can't give her what she wants
I can still feel my hands wrapped in her hair her lips on my cock
Why did I do it , Hurting her wasn't what I wanted to do

Showing her I wasn't good enough for her was the plan but when she presented herself like a beautiful sub that she is thinking went out the window

" Can I have another one "
" That's your third one in five minutes you trying to forget something "
" Yeah how I just fucked up now give me another one "

Letting the cold liquid down my throat the burn takes over as it infused into my soul

My phone rings ... Eve

I ignore it sending it to voicemail Not wanting to deal with her

" Can I have another "

Repeating the process until I can't feel anything that's when I know I'm safe

" I thought I would find you in here "
Looking up to see Morgan BlackBourne
" What" I growl back
" Listen up I know what happen in the apartment this afternoon and No I didn't watch it My Papa Corey did and from what he said you had the same look we all have had when we realized that we love someone that we think shouldn't love us , My Daughter means the world to me and I am here to make some suggestions
Either walk completely away now and I mean completely no staying with her while we deal with Eric or you figure out what you want to do as in Stay with her figure out what you feel for her and keep her safe that is your only options and either way If you hurt my Daughter I will not hesitate to kill you "

" Stop being so mean Morgan " a feminine's voice says
" I thought I told you stay in the Car "
" You did but I know that but I want to talk to Brantley too It is my daughter that he wants but doesn't know how to go about ... mmm sounds a lot like Sammy maybe he should be the one here talking to him " Harper BlackBourne said

" We drew straws to figure out who would go " Morgan offered up

" Look I hear you both I will stay away from Ella you have my word "

" That's not what I want you to do , I want you to get that fucking stick out of your ass and go apologize to her for leaving like you did and be the Damn Dom she needs , Your Brother isn't going to be Able to handle her by himself she's going to Top him from the Bottom at every Chance she gets and he's not going to discipline her the way she needs "

" Harper Jane that just earned you 20 more " Morgan growls

" And I'll take it with Pride , Look Brantley I know you want my daughter and something is holding you back , whatever it is you need to deal with it or Ella is going to give you what you want which is to be alone no matter how much it breaks her heart , she has wanted what I have with her Daddies since she was little and she wants it with you and Noah "

" I can't give it to her "

" Can't or Won't that's two different things " Harper says with a sad smile

" Look why don't you talk to My Father in Law Axel Toma or My Dad Owen they will both answer any questions as to how this all works and the main thing you have to know is that communication is the most important thing besides Trust "

Looking at both of them I see how Harper is leaning into Morgan as he has his arm around her keeping her close to him

"Harper go ahead and head out to the car I have something I need to say to Brantley that is only going to between the two of us "

" Fine I will " Harper replied as I watched her stand on her toes and give Morgan a kiss

" Now that my wife is gone I just want to say I know what you went through five years Ago wasn't your fault You did everything you had to do to survive it And most likely is the reason you don't want to be with Ella , Why don't you tell her so she can be the one to decide , and I think you might be surprised with the fact she will stay and love you no matter what "

" Mr BlackBourne you don't know nothing about what I went through no one does "

" Oh that's where you are so wrong it's my business to know who my daughter loves to know all about them down to the fact you were tortured when you were captured by Nikolai and that you killed him after they found you , When your own Uncle is a Russian you find out things with his help explaining the way the Russian Mob works so"

" Well did any of your fucking reports say what he did to me or just that he tortured me " I growl

" They said a few things "

" I bet this wasn't in the report that bastard tied me down across two saw horses. cut my pants off and started to stroke my cock getting it hard even though the thought of him touching me was revolting my body betrayed me then that Sick Bastard went around and shoved his finger in my ass but thank the fuck someone knocked on the door and called him away or he would have fucked me " I tell him

I stand up from my seat stumbled back catching myself before I fell

The world goes blurry for a moment

" Yeah he is going to need a ride "

I turn to see Raven Ravensthal Toma ,North Taylor BlackBourne and Silas Korba BlackBourne

The lights go out in my head

Daniella " Ella" BlackBourne -A Short Story ( completed)Where stories live. Discover now