Ten For a Bird - 25

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Media - Echoes (Sebastian's Theme)

Fall 1, Year 1

When you walked out of your house in the morning, the first thing you noticed was the, yet again, total death of all your crops. But that's not what caught your eye.

The flag on your mailbox was up. Did mayor Lewis leave you a letter for another town event already? That's usually what you got messages for, save for ads from Pierre or the rare letter from your dad. When you looked in the box, the letter found was different from others you've gotten, in that it wasn't in an envelope.

Without even reading the message, you could tell who it was from. The messy handwriting was of that from someone who usually types instead of writes. Your heart stopped for a minute.  He didn't like last night, did he? And who would? It went terribly. This note was probably to tell you that you two should stay friends. But, best not to get ahead of yourself.

'Hey. Last night didn't go great. I'm not good with events where I have to dress up fancy and try to impress people. I'm not good with letter writing either.

We should just be ourselves on a date. Meet me at the railroad tracks after sunset?


Not the most romantic words, but... he wanted to try again. You really hoped he would, as last night just went from bad, as in awkward conversations, to worse, as in falling off of the docks into freezing water. He wanted to try again. He wanted to try another date! You hugged the letter close to your chest, jumping and smiling all the while. This confirmed it- he really did like you back. He didn't just accept the flowers to not hurt you. He didn't just go on the date with you to be polite because you asked. He wanted it too- to be with you.

In the wonderful moment, something stuck out in your mind. He said in his letter to meet you after sunset, and it was just past seven in the morning. You had the whole day to wait. How nice.

You already knew what would be going through your head throughout the day- the anxiety of it going wrong, the joy that he actually is interested in you in that way too. Before you got to thinking much, your phone buzzed in your pocket.

Sam: What did you do to him?

The him in question being Sebastian, you assumed. Your happiness died down a bit, thinking that maybe you still have what the relationship is between you and the emo boy wrong.

Y/N: Is he upset about last night? I told him it's not his fault, but I don't think he believes me

Sam: He's been up since 530 working on his bike. changing the oil, repairing parts, repainting scuffed bits

Sam: He's basically making the thing look brand new

Sam: Usually when he goes out riding he just fixes it well enough so he can use it for a few hours

Y/N: He left me a note, said that we should just be ourselves on a date and to meet him at the railroad tracks after sunset

Sam: Aww thats really sweet! This is the first time I've ever heard of him doing something romantic, so take it all in

Y/N: great that calms my nerves thanks Sam

Sam: I'm sure it will be great. Do you want me to come over?

Y/N: I'll come to you. I need to pick up some new seeds anyway

The walk to Sam's was short, though it felt a bit long, as you were taking in the new sight of Pelican town in the fall. The browns and yellows of the leaves complimented the still rising sun. Birds flew overhead, making preparations to fly off for the winter which you were sure would come around before you knew it.

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