50. the end

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"Tyde and I are kinda sorta back together-ish," I finally break the news to Lauryn. I lied about where I was to avoid her wrath, but I can't lie for too long so it's best to just get it over with now.

"You dumb bitch," she deadpans.

"I know I'm sorry. But he's seriously changed," I know I sound so fucking stupid, but I mean it.

"Invite him over, I'll be the judge of that," she rolls her eyes and the action doesn't surprise me but her suggestion does.

"No, you'll kill him," I wouldn't put it past her.

"I won't unless he pisses me off," I believe her, but I don't know if Tyde and I are ready for that yet.

"Just give us a little while to figure out what we're doing, and I'll talk to him about coming over here"

"What are you two doing anyway? Like fuck buddies or are you going to end up back together?" she asks what I don't have an answer to.

"I couldn't tell you. More than fuck buddies for sure but I don't know if we're going to cap it at friends or do more. It's kinda unclear right now"

"Well when you figure it out, I need to be the first to know"

"You will, don't worry," I have absolutely no one else to tell and I know I'm gonna need someone. Ethan will murder Tyde and Olivia is way too pregnant to handle that.


Okay so Tyde stuff has to take a little hiatus because I'm an aunt to the cutest little boy. Olivia FINALLY popped out my nephew late last night and I woke up this morning to the news and I swear to god I've never seen a cuter baby.

"Hi, I'm your british Aunt Lauryn, don't ask questions, I just am, you're really cute," Lauryn sits next to me and coos to the little baby while we let Liv catch up on her sleep while Ethan is out grabbing everyone something to eat. Lauryn has definitely become a part of our little family so Aunt Lauryn is definitely a correct label.

"He looks kinda like you, got your eyes," She points out which I hadn't noticed before. Genes are weird as hell because I got our dads greenish eyes while Ethan got moms blue ones. The green eyes skipped Ethan but his son ended up with them.

Speaking of Ethan, he walks in with a takeout bag on his arm and as he passes the end of Olivia's bed where I accidentally left my phone I ask him to grab it for me and when he does his eyes catch a notification on my screen and looks at me with a very questionable look.

"Are you stupid?" yes actually thanks for asking.


"Can we?" he juts his thumb behind him thank towards the door and something tells me I'm doomed.

I pass the baby to Lauryn who gratefully takes him and I follow Ethan out to the hallway after he sits the food down.

"Tyde? Are you serious?" he's pissed, like really mad and I can't blame him because he had to deal with me after we broke up and I wouldn't want to have to deal with me again either.

"Yeahhh about that-"

"Ella that's not cool, do you not remember what he did to you?"

"Of course I remember but this last seven months has been good I think. I know it may be very hard to believe but I'm not as dumb as I used to be with relationships. I wouldn't get myself back into this situation if I knew I would end up hurt again. I think we've both grown a lot and he's just changed," I just want them to be in the same room without a murder but something tells me that's not coming soon.

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