Zoey's P.O.V

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"Jacob!" I schreeched. "Get back with my damn mirror! I need that!" I screamed and chased after him as he ran down the hall.

"Moooommmmm! Sissy swore!" I groaned as he stopped suddenly and I collided into him. I quickly grabbed the mirror and booked it down the hallway and into my room. Quickly slamming the door and turning my lock. I sighed and walked back to my desk.

I felt each of my cheeks and scrunched up my nose.

"Why am I so ugly?" I huffed and grabbed my makeup bag and took out the coverup, and covering my face then doing the rest of my makeup. I finished with some baby lips chapstick, and got out of my seat, walking to my closet. Picking out my ripped jeans shorts, a grey tank top and a over the shoulder pink see through shirt.  I smiled and put it on, grabbing my phone and wristlet as I walked downstairs.

"Mom! I'm goin' to Xander's!" I screamed to her before making my way out the door and shutting it behind me. His car was parked out front, he waved when he saw me and I waved back, running over to the car and throwing open the door and jumping in, closing it behind me.

"Hey babe, you look hot today." He winked and pecked my check, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers, using one hand to drive.

"So, where we goin?" I asked as we took off. The radio was blasting, like usual, so I hope he heard me.

"I dunno, I was thinkin we could go out to eat then to this party the boys are puttin on." He looked over at me then back on the road.

"Sounds cool." He nodded and we pulled into the town diner. Killing the engine he got out and made his way around to open the door to me.

"M'lady." He did this weird gesture and bow thing.

"Why thank you." I giggled. He grabbed my hand in his and intertwined our fingers as we made our way inside.


"Xander?" It's been three hours since I have seen him. Three hours of standing in a corner while random wasted guys come up to me asking me to dance or other random questions. The aroma of liquor and sweat making its way around the house. Lights flashing, people screaming, loud music. The typical High School party. Ones that Freshmen, like me, usually aren't invited to, unless you have a way in or have a special connection, like I do.

Climbing the stairs, I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Hello? Anybody in here?" I listened for another few seconds then opened the door, quickly closing it and locking it behind me. I sighed, and slid down the wall cupping my head in my hands. It's not like this was the first time Xander had done this to me, but it was getting old. Everytime we went to one of these parties, I never saw him until the end of the party when he was completly wasted and needed me to drive him home. Even though I didn't have my license, I still would, having to stay the night to take care of him.

I jumped when I heard a knock on the door, quickly getting up and yelling a 'one minute'. I wiped my eyes, making sure none of my makeup was streaking and opened the door.

"Sorry," I muttered and hurridly made my way down the hall and down the stairs. Pushing my way through the crowd of older, wasted people. I made my way out the door and into the back yard, there was only a few people scattered around here and there so I sat on the bench on the porch.

This always happens to me, I think we are going to have a good time and bam, I get screwed over every single time. This is basically what I do the whole time, sit here. I heard the bench creak as somebody sat down besides me, but I just looked down, not paying any attention.

"Zoey?" I looked up at the person, coming face to face with no other than Xander. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I subconsciously leaned into his touch, snuggling into his side.

"I'm sorry baby... I always find a way to screw things up, don't I?" He shook his head and looked down. Turning slightly, I lifted his chin up with my finger and our eyes met.

"Baby, it's okay. I was just worried, that's all." We smiled at each other and sat there for another few minutes, the music blaring in the background, it was faint through the door, but still very loud.

"Wanna go home babe?" I nodded and got up slowly, taking his hand and intertwining our fingers together as we made our way back through the crowded house, getting pushed and shoved the whole way through. Once we finally got out, we went to his car and climbed in, taking off down the road.

"Babe?" Xander asked me.


"Wanna just spend the night at mine?" I nodded and smiled, taking out my phone and sending a quick text to my mom what I was doing.


After spending the night at Xander's I came home to an empty house, which I didn't complain about. Making my way up the stairs and too the studio. My dad was always recording at home or practicing when the singers couldn't get into the recording studio because of fans. He was the music producer for many bands. Every weekend I go there to help him out, play with some sound equipment and sometimes, meet a few celebrities.

Opening the door, I squeezed in and shutting it tightly behind me. Knowing very well that I was not allowed to be in her unless my father knew. I quickly set everything up so I could start right away. Quickly hitting the recorder button on the video camera and sat down on the stool.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2013 ⏰

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