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"Class of 2020, meet Darryl."


These words ringed in Zak's mind, as he stared at the anxious teen who was fidgeting with the edge of his sleeves.
"Darryl, hun, for now you can sit next to..." the principle searched for an unoccupied seat, and lucky him, Darryl was sat down right next to Zak.
As the principle walked out, Darryl whispered a simple, but short "Hey."
Zak nodded softly, not wanting to interact with this new kid.
The day went on, classes were switched, and the tired teens went home.


Zak was smoking outside a small coffee shop as he got a message, probably from his only friend, or his dad.
He opened his phone to see who sent it.

Vincent  11:13PM

u ok? saw u at lunchtime all alone, sorry i didnt come around

You  11:14PM
no, its ok, i just wanted to have some time for myself

He turned off his phone as music blasted through his ears. He liked to be alone, cigarette between his lips, and some music bursting his eardrums to make the voices stop.
As the smoke made him dizzy and shaky, he exhales it slowly into the cold air.
The sun has already set, because it was the middle of winter, and well, Zak liked being out in the dark.
It made him felt safe, under the blanket of stars, and the moon is shining to remind him of better tines.

He saw a few figures walk down the street, and heard someone call his internet name.
"Oh my god, Skeppy! Is this the real you?" they called. His blood froze, who can it fucking be?
Of course, it could be a fan, but who adores him anyways?
He threw the almost-finished cigarette on the ground, stomping on it, and smiled to the person who ran towards him.

The group followed them, as they gasped desperately for air and looked at me in adoration.
"Hey!" he tried to smile the best as he could, and hugged the younger kid, who was apparently a fan.
They took a selfie with him, and smiled as They said "Thank you for making me happy, Skeppy." and walked away.
The other two people were his friends.
They smiled towards him in awe, and walked away with the fan.
He sank back into the bench, grabbing one more cigarette from the box, lightning it up with a lighter.

"Don't get me wrong, but you aren't legal yet." he heard someone a few feet away from me, someone pretty familier.
He looked towards the voice, and saw that damn kid, Darryl, sitting next to him and snatching the cigarette from between his fingers as he takes a long drag.
Zak coughs out smoke, snapping. "What the fuck?"
"Language." Darryl threw the cigarette away from both of them and placed his elbow on the bench, leaning on it.
"Fuck off." Zak spits out, standing up and taking his backpack on his shoulder.
Darryl grabs Zak's wrist and he flinches.
Darryl lets go, nervous.
"Do not touch me." he gives him a cold glare and starts walking away.
"Wait--!" Darryl stood up and ran towards the shorter, grabbing his shoulders and spinning him around to face the taller.

"What the hell do you want, dickhead? I have places to go to, and you are wasting my time." Zak yelled, quite loudly, and Darryl flinched a little as he raised his voice on him.
"I-I-- uh-"
"Exactly. Now leave me the fuck alone."
He watched him go away, become tinier and tinier, until isn't on Darryl's sight anymore.
Darryl sighed and started walking home.
He took out the crumpled piece of paper that 'worthless' was written all over it.
He knew that Zak wrote it. He was next to him as he did it.

He just wanted to be this guy's friend, and help whatever was going on with him.

Why can't you fucking hear me? // REWRITTEN VERSION IN PROFILEWhere stories live. Discover now