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   After the movie, the two decided to walk around the mall. They went into many stores, and had a lot of fun. But Peppa still at a suspicion that someone was following them. In the theater, Peppa remembered someone, in which she did not recognize, sat behind the two, alone. Maybe Peppa was just worried for nothing. The two kept walking, and reached the food court. "Do you want anything?" asked Pepper. Peppa nodded, and they walked to the booth named 'lemonz r hot.' The two ordered a lemonade each, and a basket of lemons. They ate, drank, and talked for a good two hours. Eventually it was time for the mall to close. Peppa had gotten a different ride home, since Pepper wasn't able to drive her. As Peppa was about to walk out the door, Pepper grabbed her and kissed her. Peppa kissed back, passionately. This went on for a good five minutes. Then Peppa needed to leave, so she did that.

  But little did she know, someone was watching.

  And that someone was not happy.

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