It Started With a Tease: Part 2

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Lisa returned to her home feeling weak as she let her body fall on her bed. She thought that the comfort of her bed might help her ease the tension of her heart but it was just good to be true. While her long walk from the mall to her house, she was able to have time to think. She made up her mind with the decision that would make everything settled.

It's better to bury my feelings for Jennie than risking our friendship, however, I wouldn't stop telling her how much I care about her even the only way I know is teasing her. Her happiness is the priority in the first place, right?

Lisa was about to doze off from exhaustion when suddenly a knock from her door echoed through her room. She stood lazily thinking it was just her mom needing her for something but her eyes went wide when the least she expected was at her door.

"Jennie... w..what are you doing here?" Lisa stammered.

"Well, you said, you weren't feeling very well so I bought you medicine. Your mom was worried when she saw me carrying a plastic of medicines but I told her she doesn't have to worry since I'm here to take care of you." Jennie showed her infamous gummy smile as she entered the gaping girl's room.

"I don't know what exactly is making you sick, so I just bought something for the headache and stomachache. I also have some vitamins if you want." The older said while unloading the plastic and putting the medicine on Lisa's study table.

The younger was still stunned on why the girl who was supposed to be on a date in her room right now.

"J...Jen. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on your date with Kai?"

"I canceled it." Jennie simply said. Too simple.


"Because... you said you weren't feeling well," Jennie replied.

"Well, I'm feeling a lot better now Jen, so, you can go back to your date." Lisa said trying to hide her disappointment from her words as she sat on the edge of her bed.

She sighed. She thought the older wasn't buying her excuse since of her change of mood. So might as well just act okay, "My Nini, I'm really okay. You know I can take care of myself. You should call Kai and tell him your date is on. Don't want to keep my Nini single right?" She acts cheery. "On second thought, it's fine to be single unnie. I'll just marry you then." She casually teased.

The older remained at the study table, her back away from the younger looking at a familiar object. She just then sighed at the act of Lisa. She knew Lisa too well to know if her attitude was genuine or not.

"Lisa can you stop that?" She softly said.

"Stop what, Jen?"

Jen? You never called me Jen.

She finally turned her back away and faced the silver-haired girl.

"Is it fun? Teasing me all the time?" Her face was neutral.

Lisa's eyes went wide. She thought her teasing finally got to her friend. She knew sooner or later Jennie might get full of it. That was the time she guessed.

She stood from the bed carefully approaching her visitor, "Jen, I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention to make you feel bad. I just... I just want to make you smile. I guess, I went a little overboard, I'm sorry."

"Kai and I aren't going to work out." Jennie suddenly said dismissing the Thai's apology.

"What? Why?"

"Because he wasn't the one who's making my heart flutter," Jennie confessed. Lisa just stood there confused and signaling her visitor to continue.

"Because... he wasn't the one who's making those anonymous love letters and putting it on my locker." Lisa's eyes doubled the size.

How? Does she know?

"W..what are you talking about Jen?" Lisa stuttered.

"I already know it was you, Lisa."

"How? Wait, Jisoo?" Jennie nodded.

"That rabbit!" Lisa flared.

"Don't get angry at her. She knew you're too coward to tell me. So, she helped. To be honest, I might have a little assumption it was you and you're teasing but I didn't get enough proof, however..." Jennie took something on Lisa's table. "This made my assumption right." Jennie lifted up a piece of pink paper. She then brought it to her nose. "Lavender." She smiled.

Shit, the Thai cursed in her head.


"Tell me again." Jennie interrupted Lisa.

"Tell you what again?"

"Tell me the content of your last letter. Tell me again." The softness of Jennie's voice sent shiver to Lisa's spine. She heaved a breath and locked her eyes to a pair looking back her. The nervousness in heart makes her want to run but she decided enough running.

Be serious this time, Lisa.

"I can't get enough as I stare at those beautiful eyes of yours. You have the gorgeous eyes do you know that? You make my heart beat effortlessly, Nini. I wish you could hear it."

Jennie closed her eyes as she took in Lisa's words. She smiled in satisfaction, feeling the beating of her chest, "Yup, it is you. No one can make my heart flutter like you do."

"Nini, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying, I'm sorry for also being a coward. I always hide the feelings that I have for you every time you tease me of how you feel. I always thought that was just you being you. A tease. But now I know there's more of that. There's more of that right?" Jennie's eyes flicker with hope.


"Oh, I thought..."

Lisa chuckled, "I'm just teasing you My Nini." She walked closer to the gaping girl closing the gap from one another.

"There's definitely more than that. I love you, Nini." Lisa finally confessed.

Jennie showed her gummy smile that the Thai absolutely love.

"Ow! What was that for?" Lisa complained after the Jennie smacked her on her arm.

"That's for teasing me."

But the young Thai just broke into laughter and wrapped her arms around the older Korean's waist. "I'm sorry, I just can't help it."

Jennie indulged herself on the comfort and rest her head on Lisa's chest. "I love you too, Lisa."

Lisa cradled Jennie's face to look at her and planting a longing kiss to the latter's aching lips. Unknowingly, both felt right. They're just both stupid to not realize it sooner.

The end

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