Chapter 9

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[Hello! All the editing is done so I will start writing again! Thank you to everyone who has stayed and enjoyed my story!] 

Your POV

We walk in and barely anyone is there. Just Todoroki, Tokoyami, Shoji, and Iida. I had to stop myself from saying hi to the fictional characters!! "Mind telling me their names?" Momo asked quietly. "Canadian flag is Shoto Todoroki, Bird is Fumikage Tokoyami, Mr octopus is Mezo Shoji, and four eyes is Tenya Iida." I say quietly say and she nods. Not long after I tell her their names Iida comes up to us. "Hello ladies I am Tenya Iida from the Iida family! I hope we can get along and hopefully be friends!" He says moving his arms, I try not to laugh at his moving arms.

"Yes we hope so too" I smile and he walks back to his seat. I didn't want to laugh because I'm not trying to get schooled by the dad of the dekusquad. Momo and I sit in the back, she sits next to Todoroki and I sit next to her.

After a few minutes of talking with Momo the class was full. "Wow how time fly's by" Momo laughs. "Haha yeah! Our teacher should be here any second now." I say and right on time Mr. Aizawa came in with his sleeping bag. I giggle quietly then get a text message, I check and see it's Yuuto.

Yuuto: By my calculations Mr. Aizawa is there?

Y/n: Yes...

Yuuto: Heh great! Record yourself slapping Aizawa and say "I love you" after. 

Y/n: Why didn't I think of that? Brb!

"Uh...Momo...?" I ask and I see her face fill with anxiousness. "Don't tell me... a dare?" She asked and I smiled while nodding. "I don't have a good feeling about this Y/n..." She says and I assure her. "Mr. Aizawa isn't really someone to mess with but I promise he does care about everyone in this class." I tell her and give her my phone. "Record for me." I say and she nods while pressing the record button. "Whew here I go!" I say and get up from my seat. "What are you doing? Sit back down I'm not finished talking!" Aizawa yelled, I flinched a bit but I was pretty used to teachers screaming at me. 

I stood in front of him, took a deep breath and raised my hand. 


Everyone gasped, Aizawa stood there really shocked and I smiled a polite smile. "I love you." I say then bow my head, and turn around sitting back in my seat. "Miss L/n... DO THAT AGAIN AND I'LL MAKE SURE YOU ARE THROWN OUT OF THIS SCHOOL, YOU HEAR ME?!?!" Aizawa yells as his hair starts to levitate and I nod like it didn't bother me, but on the inside I was screaming. "Crystal Sir." I say and he goes back to talking about what he was talking about. 

"Got it?" I ask Momo and she nods, stops recording and gives me my phone. "Perfect! Thank you Momo!" I say and she smiles while nodding. I sent the video to Yuuto and turn my attention back to Aizawa. "Alright now go put on your gym uniforms and meet me outside." He says and we all say a 'Yes sir'. 

As I'm walking with Momo I get a message from Yuuto. 

Yuuto: OMG I DIDN'T EXPECT YOU TO ACTUALLY DO IT! Aizawa is scary... Monoma couldn't stop laughing! 

Y/n: Oh yeah? Well I got a dare for you my annoying 5 second older brother. 

Yuuto: What's that? 

Y/n: Go to the front of the class and drag your butt on the floor like a dog and say "I really got an itch!" 

Yuuto: Oh no... Haha! Okay! 

I giggle to myself and Momo looks at me. "What is it?" She asks. "Oh nothing. Just be ready for a funny video later." I laugh and she shakes her head but then gives out a little chuckle. "I have a feeling whatever I say to you both you two are still gonna act like goofs." She shakes her head with a smile. "You got that right buddy." I laugh and we walk into the girls locker room. All the girls turn their head to me and come up to me telling me how funny I was in class earlier and how bold it was of me. 

Yuuto's POV 

"Oh this is so stupid..." I sigh and Monoma laughs. "It's a dare. Now go I'm recording." Monoma says and I nod while getting up from my seat. Mr. Sekijiro looks at me weird, "Yuuto what are you doing?" He asks. "Sir...." I start as I sit down on the floor. "I REALLY got an itch!!" I complain as I start dragging my butt around on the floor. I start to hear Monoma laughing his ass off in the back and then everyone else joined in. Mr. Sekijiro raises and eyebrow then starts to crack up. "Huh?! Aren't you angry at me?" I ask as I stand up. "Mad? nonsense! Hound Dog does it all the time! Nothing new to me!" He laughs and I join in on everyone laughing. "Looks like we got ourselves a class clown. That's good, we could all use some laughter in our life!" Sekijiro says and I smile. "Yes we do sir!" I say and he pats my back. "Go sit back down. The lesson is almost over."  He says and I nod, heading to my seat. As I walk back everyone started clapping!

"Woah looks like someone is popular!" Monoma laughs and does a little pose at the camera. "Hey there my little chocolate croissant, see you at lunch!" He says and stops recording, and hands me back my phone. "I'm cutting that out you know?" I laugh and he waves me off. "No your not." He laughs as I playfully roll my eyes. 

I send Y/n the video then turn my attention back to the teacher. Ha! Guess who has a chill and laid back teacher Y/n!   

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