Halloween Special (1)

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This is a no quirk AU and also inspired by the horror movie "You're Next". Also sorry this is a kinda late but rather late then never!
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3rd Person POV

Neito and Y/n were in a car driving to a cabin in the middle of the woods. They were meeting up with some friends for a party since they are now 18 and finally adults. "So you excited for this party?" The h/c haired girl asked her blond partner. "Of course I am. I hope we find an empty bedroom." The blond smirks making the girl playfully hit his arm. "Gross!"

30 minutes of driving and they finally arrive at the cabin. It was around 5pm so the sun was still out but soon it would be dark. The pair got out of the car and walk to the front door. Y/n happily knocks on the door and Neito slides an arm around her waist, kissing her cheek. They smile at each other then the door opens. "Y/n!! Neito!!" Momo exclaims as she sees her two best friends in front of her.

"Momo!" Y/n squeals and gives the black haired girl a tight hug. "NEITO!!" They hear a voice behind Momo. "YUUTO!!" Monoma yells and the two boys go and give each other a bro hug. The two girls giggle and head inside. "Come to the livingroom. Everyone is here." Momo says walking to the livingroom holding hands with Yuuto.

The four adults walk into the livingroom to see Izuku, Shoto, Katsuki, Eijiro, Ochako, Mina, Hanta, Kyoka, and Denki all sitting and chatting in the livingroom. "Hey you said everyone is here wheres the other half of the class?" Y/n asks. "Oh well they couldn't make it. Yuga is having a fashion crisis, Mashirao and Toru had the baby early, Tsu and Fumikage have a date night, Tenya has an important meeting tomorrow, Kouji has a lot of animals to take care of, Mezou wasn't feeling well, Satou is going on a cooking show tomorrow, and of course we weren't gonna invite Mineta." Momo explains in one breath.

"Oh...wow. Well alright that's too bad." Y/n chuckles. "Hey! Why the fuck is kazoo kid here?!" Katsuki asks in his uaual angry tone. "Hey! That's my boyfriend! Alright angry Pomeranian?!" I hiss he growls and rolls his eyes.

~Mini Time Skip~

The new adults sit at the table having a nice time talking and eating a delicious meal. Until Izuku pipes up. "Well everyone...Me and Shoto wanted to tell you all something." Everyone stops talking and looks at the green haired boy...man. "Shoto and I are officially together." He smiles and Shoto puts a kiss on the freckled mans forehead. A number of 'Awwws' and 'congrats' were passed around but Katsuki didn't really look happy.

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!?" He yelled. "Woah Katsuki! Calm down." Y/n says. "CALM DOWN!? ICYHOT YOU KNEW I LIKED HIM!" Katsuki yelled and everyone 'Oooo'ed. "I guess you were late Bakugou." Shoto says in a calm tone but adding a dark tone when saying Katsuki's last name. Izuku was shaking behind Shoto, afraid of what was about to happen.

"YOU ASS YOU WANNA GO!?" Katsuki yelled again but Shoto didn't flinch. "You know Bakugou. I never liked you. Go die." Shoto says looking at Katsuki in the eyes. Not even a moment later an arrow breaks through the big glass window and hits Katsuki on the side of his head. Everyone didn't comprehend what just happened until Mina let out a shriek.

"BLOODY HELL! WHAT THE MERLIN JUST HAPPENED!?" Y/n yelled and clinged onto Neito. "K....katsuki...?" Eijiro whimpers as he kneels down to the one he secretly loved and checks his pulse. "....he's dead... oh my Merlin!" Eijiro cries out. After Eijiro whimpers that out another arrow comes in being aimed at Eijiro, luckily he got out of the way before it hit him. "Guys we need to get out of here!" Ochako yells panicking.

Neito quickly shields Y/n in case another arrow comes through. Everyone quickly runs to the living room not looking at the dead body that was laying in the dining room. "What the bloody hell just happened!?" "Shoto what did you do!?" Y/n and Momo yelled at the same time. Everyone looked at the half and half colored hair man to see him crying and Izuku comforting him. "I- ...I didn't mean it... I really didn't mean it!" He cried out.

Y/n quickly takes a look at eveyone in the room. Shoto, Izuku, and Eijiro are crying, Mina and Hanta are in shock, Denki and Kyoka are trying to sneakily look outside through the livingroom windows, Ochako is having a full blow mental break down, Neito is holding Y/n, Momo is trying to calm Ochako down and Yuuto is already grabbing boards to cover up the windows.

"Okay! Everyone! We need to get out of here. The cars are outside and we need someone to go out and try and get a vehicle! But the question is...who will do it?" Y/n says taking charge of the situation. Everyone stays quiet. "Alright well...obviously it can't be Shoto, Eijiro, Hanta, Mina, Or Ochako. So it comes down to...Denki, Kyoka, Momo, Yuuto, Neito, and Me..." Y/n says and starts thinking. "Y/n you are not going out there!" Neito says looking her in the eyes. His eyes full of worry.

"I'll do it..." Someone says and they turn to see Kyoka walk over. "Kyoka no! Please don't!" Denki cries out. "No it's fine. I'm the fastest out of all of you. I can run and grab a car and I most likely won't get hit by an arrow." She says. "Kyoka! Please don't I don't want you to go out there!" Denki starts crying.

"I'll be okay." She says and starts taking off accessories that would probably hold her down. Yuuto and Neito went over to the two big doors and opened them wide enough for her to run out. As she starts running out the group failed to notice a thin transparent wire that could cut through someone's neck with enough force.

Well that's exactly what happened. Kyoka started running really fast that she ran into the wire making her throat cut open and blood gushes out of her new opened wound. Everyone starts freaking out and Denki and Neito immediately pull Kyoka back inside trying to cover up her wound so she could breath again.

While everyone was trying to calm down and keep Kyoka alive Y/n looks outside the door and made eye contact with the men in the animal masks. A Wolf, a sheep, and a bear. The sheep lifts up his cross bow pointing it at her, Y/n immediately screams and quickly closes the door. Right when the doors close the arrow shoots through the wooden door and was right next to her head.

Neito immediately got up from helping and goes over to the scared H/c haired girl. "Y/n are you okay?! What happened!?" The blond asks with a lot of worry in his voice. "I saw the killers. One is in a sheep mask, bear mask, and wolf mask! We need a plan to get out of here!" Y/n says somewhat loosing her composure.

Y/n looks around the room and sees that there is enough stuff to make traps, stuff to defend their selves, and hopefully enough time to make a plan to get out of there. After a few minutes of thinking Y/n's thoughts were interrupted by Denki's loud sobs. Y/n runs up to Denki to hopefully call him down. "Shh Shh Denki it's okay. She's in a better place now. Come, come with me." She says helping the crying blond get up from the ground.

Y/n leads Denki to a bed room and tucks him in. "It's okay Denki just calm down and hopefully get some sleep. Okay?" She asks and he slowly nods. "Ok...thank you... Y/n." Denki says through choked sobs. Y/n smiles and walks out, closing the door behind her. What they both failed to notice was the man in a fox mask hiding under the bed.

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Hope you enjoyed the first part.

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