Chapter 10

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Your POV

After the Quirk Apprehension Test Momo and I walk back to the locker room. "Wow I can't believe you weren't bluffing about Mr. Aizawa! I 100% believe you and your brother aren't from here." Momo says giggling a bit. "You didn't believe us before?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "Oh well at first I was a bit skeptical like anyone would but now that you proved to me that your not from here I believe you." She says and I nod. "Heh well I'm glad you believe us 100%." I smile and she smiles back.

Once I was done changing I checked my phone, I saw Yuuto sent me a video. "Oh Momo! The video is here!" I jump excited and she giggles, coming over to me to watch the video.

After the video I threw my phone into my backpack. "What!? Mr Sekijiro wasn't even mad! That's no fun!" I shout frustrated and we start to walk to the cafeteria. "Aha well at least Monoma called you a pet name." Momo smiles and I blush. "Haha...yeah he's so cute." I look down and smile. "Aww you two would be cute together." She says fanning her face trying to stop herself from fangirling. I giggle and blush even more. "Like you and my brother." I smirk and her whole face goes red. "Oh uhh aha! Their they are! Lets not keep them waiting!" Momo says grabbing my arm and dragging me to their table. I didn't even notice we entered the lunch room.

"Hey guys!" Momo says happily waving at the two. "Hey my bumble bee!" I hug Monoma from behind and he chuckles. "Hey my little chocolate croissant." He says grabbing my hands and I sit beside him. "Jeez you two what's with the nicknames?" Yuuto rolls his eyes in disgust. "I call Y/n my little chocolate croissant because I would love to make chocolate croissants with her one day." Monoma says staring into my eyes while holding my hands. I couldn't help but blush and smile, Yuuto turns to me. "And what's with the name bumble bee?" He asks crossing his arms. "First, Monoma is blond. Second, he's annoying. Bumble Bee's have yellow stripes and are very annoying. Basically Monoma as a bug, but that's what I love about him." I smile, Yuuto starts laughing, "Cheesy and gross but so true!" He laughs and Momo lets out a small chuckle.

"I- I don't know whether to take that as an insult or a compliment." He ponders for a while and I let out a giggle. "To be honest its a bit of both. You are gonna get annoying once you start hating on my class but I find it funny when you make fun of my class. Also I do adore your blond hair, same color as a bee. Perfect fit." I giggle, he smirks then starts to act over dramatic. "Ouch you hurt my feelings! How can I take half an insult as a compliment!" He says while putting a hand over his heart as if it was hurting. "Alright fine, what do you want me to call you? I got a list." I say pulling out a list from my pocket.

"AHEM! Ken doll, Tamaki rip off, Shalnark, Kazoo boy, Short haired Armin, ugly duckling, mustard boy, lemon head, goldilocks, sponge bob, Vanilla-" I was cut off by Monoma. "That's so sweet that you made all those nicknames for me." He says yet again dramatically, "Have I found her!? The woman who I might marry?!" He asks putting an arm over his head. "Woah woah calm down their Ken, we still in high school." I say and we laugh. "You can call me whatever you like. I'll like it if you like it." He smiles causing me to smile and blush.

"Really bumble bee?" I ask leaning against his chest and looking up at him. "Yes Bébé cher." He says putting an arm around my shoulder. "Hey regarder cette bouche de la vôtre!" Yuuto snaps at Monoma. "Quel? Je ne peux pas montrer lamour à ta soeur ?" Monoma asks and Yuuto groans. "Alright fine. Do whatever you want." Yuuto says angrily crossing his arms. "Aww its okay Yuuto." Momo smiles and places a hand on Yuuto's shoulder causing Yuuto to blush. "Thanks" He mutters and smiles at her. This causes me and Monoma to laugh. Today was a fun day.

(Monoma: "Baby dearest"

Yuuto: "Hey watch that mouth of yours"

Monoma: "What? I can't show love to your sister")

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