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Ok so just an update. I fèel rlly bad and im so sorry for not updating the story.
Let me explain real quick. So what i write on is my tablet. I dropped my tablet and it stopped working properly. Then i got it fixed and here i am now. I will update chapter 22 very soon for those of you waiting. Also a quick question.

So those of you who read my story "a big mistake" would know that i ended the story before my "break" or whatever you want to call it, because we didnt like each other anymore. Well my question is who wants a sequel?
So comnent if you want one or not. And again so sorry for being away for so long. I rlly missed writing these and i hate myself for not writing for that long😣😣😣

Anyway, coming out with another chapter soon. Okie dokie then buh bye:/

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