chapter 26

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Y/ns pov

After watching the movie, Denis and Alex made dinner. We all ate then we decided to film a video about all thats been happening recently with Ethan and I.

"Hey guys." Denis said.

"So recently we haven't been posting much and we wanted to apologize and explain why." Alex said.

"As you can see Ethan and Amie are not with us right now..." Braden added.

"We aren't going to say specifically what happened but, during our collab with Cayla, some things went wrong causing Amie to break up with Ethan." I explained.

"Ethan was crushed. Then one morning, Ethan went for a drive." Denis said.

"When he got to a bridge, some guy started swerving all over the road. That guy crashed into Ethan causing his car to fall off the bridge." Elijah said.

"Ethan survived... but, we recently found out Ethan has amnesia, meaning he won't be able to remember us." I said starting to tear up.

Elijah grabbed my hand.
"Its gonna be okay..." He whispered in my ear.
A tear rolled down my cheek.
"I know..." I whispered back.

"And some stuff also happened to  y/n around that time..." Alex added.

"I was staying with y/n for a while...around midnight y/n and I heard some noises." Elijah explained.

"Some guy broke into my house. He came upstairs to where we were. We called the police but..." I couldn't finish.

"But...they didn't make it on time.
By the time they got there he had already shot y/n and left. I just picked her up from the hospital today. She feels fine now." Elijah said.

"They still have not found the guy who broke in to y/ns house or the guy who crashed into Ethan." Braden said.

"We are going to go pick up Ethan from the hospital in two weeks. He just needs some extra time to recover." Denis said.

"In the mean time we think were gonna take a break from making videos for a while." Elijah said.

"Thank you guys for watching and we'll see you in the next video. Bye."
Denis said.

We posted the video and as soon as it was released, everybody went crazy in the comments. They were just as shocked about all of this as we were.

Bradens pov

After the video Denis looked really upset.

"Denis..." I said.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Are you okay? You look upset." I asked.

"I guess I'm just kind of shocked about all that happened with Ethan. I mean the last time I saw him when he could remember, we were all mad at him. I feel really bad about it..." He explained.

"D-do you wanna go visit him with me? We could try to make him remember again." I asked.

He smiled. "Yeah." He said.

"Okay." I smiled.

We got in the car and I started it up.


"Yeah Denis?"

"Theres... something I've been wanting to tell you." He said.

"What is it...?" I asked.

"I..." He said.

"You can trust me Denis..."

"Braden...I love you." He said.

"Really..?" I was shocked.

"Yes. I love you so much Braden." He said.

I knew I must've been really red at this point.

"I love you too Denis..." I smiled.

He leaned towards me. I started to lean towards him too. He kissed me. I never imagined this would really happen in real life. I always assumed he just liked me as a friend, but now it was really happening and I never wanted this moment to end. He pulled away.

"Wow..." I said.

Denis smiled. "We should probably go visit him now."

"Oh yeah. We should." I said.

Authors note:
Omg i honestly love this chapter. I ship dorl sooo much and im sad it wont ever happen irl.

Question of the day: how long have you been watching the pals?

I have been watching since 2016 i think. I remember denis was the first one i watched and i kinda just started watching all of them after that.

Okie buh byee:/

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