chapter 23

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Y/n pov

(Thursday morning)

I woke up feeling good. I was so excited to get out of here. I was also nervous. Not that I think something went wrong in the surgery or anything but im scared to see Elijah again. After all that happened that night. The kiss, the shooting...

Just then the nurse walks in. "Hey y/n feeling good?" She said.
"Yeah. Im really excited to go home and see my friends and family." I said.
"Yeah and also im really sorry about what happened that night." The nurse said. "Well Im just glad I survived."

"You must've also been pretty glad you had you're boyfriend there to help you." She said.

"Oh uhm... hes not my boyfriend. Hes just a friend." I explained.

"Oh I'm sorry. You guys just looked so close when he came in to visit."

"Yeah. I guess we are. But were just friends." I said.

"Ok well I have to go check on another patient but I will be back in about an hour to check up on you and you will be going home at 1:30." She explained.

She left the room. I decided to turn on the little t.v in my room and watch the news. I never really liked watching the news but it was the most interesting thing on.

"Young adult Ethan Best was sent to the hospital after being pushed off a bridge while driving by another car. Doctors discovered he has amnesia and cannot remember really anything."

"Oh my god!" I shouted.
I couldn't believe Elijah didn't tell me this! I was shocked. Then I realised.

If he doesnt remember anything...he won't remember me. He wont remember me or Elijah or Hazle or anyone! Ethan was one of my favorite people. We had amazing memories together and now he doesn't even know I exist.

Elijahs pov

Today I was really excited. I was picking y/n up from the hospital. Everyone will be so excited to see her.  Im also really nervous to tell her the bad news. Ethans amnesia. I was almost there when I got to the bridge where Ethan had his accident. Seeing the bridge in person hurt. I felt myself tearing up. Its like I could see everything that happened on that bridge. But next time I'd be gone. I got over the bridge and drove to the hospital.

I parked. I had gotten out of my car and walked to the entrance when I saw y/n. She didn't look as happy as i thought she would be.

"Hey y/n! Whats wrong?"

"Ethan." Y/n said.

Oh no she found out

"Wait what?" I asked knowing what she was gonna say.

"Ethan got amnesia. Why didn't you tell me when you visited me? You obviously knew hes you're brother!" Y/n shouted.

"Look y/n im sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want to tell you until you were out of he hospital." I explained.

"Well im not leaving this hospital. Not until I've seen Ethan!" She shouted.

I sigh. I didnt want to see Ethan like that again. I couldn't. But I wasn't going to make y/n go through the pain of seeing that alone.

We walked to Ethans room. Once we got there we asked the nurse who was just exiting the room if we could visit him. As soon as she said we could y/n looked at me, then the door. She slowly opened it. Then there he was. Ethan. My brother laying in a hospital bed not remembering either of us.

"Hey...Ethan." y/n said.

"How do you know my name? Who are you?" He said.

Y/n started to cry. I hugged her as she cried into my shoulder. Ethan looked confused.

"Im y/n. Im one of you best friends. We've known each other since we were kids. Please say you remember something!" Y/n said.

"Look im sorry. You have no idea how hard im trying to remember but... I just can't." Ethan said.

Authors note:
Thx for reading another chapter of only him. I cant wait to work on more chapters cause this story is gonna get really good. Question of the day: who in the pals do you ship the most? I used to really ship dorl but now that thats kinda gone i really ship skenis.

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