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If you laid every moment we had together, end to end, how long would it stretch?
- Emily Dean

Emily was starting to get tired. She had heard every song on the radio by the second hour of driving. There was nothing interesting going on. The roads were clear and the night sky was black. She couldn't even see the stars. She was taking a back road way to Cleveland, Ohio. It wasn't a very long drive in all honesty, but a tiring one for a sixteen year old to do alone. Especially if you were avoiding the highways.

She thanked god for the large Walmart parking lot she was passing. She pulled in and parked the car to finally get some sleep.

Emily put her car keys in her pocket and climbed into the backseat with Chloe. Her baby sister whined at the person moving next to her.

"Em?" She groggily asked.

"Yeah, it's me." Emily replied.

"Where are we?" Chloe asked, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"A Walmart parking lot in Sandusky. We'll be there tomorrow." Emily explained, leaving their destination a surprise. She knew where they were headed. Chloe didn't.

Chloe nodded her head anyways and started to fall back asleep. Soon enough, both sisters were asleep. Tucked in their SUV, in the corner of a parking lot.

Late chapter because I've gotten my first job and I had a lot of work to do to set it up yesterday. I was so exhausted that I went to bed at 5PM : Double Chapter Week

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