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Because I can be.
- Heather Duke, 1988

Heather Duke had changed since high school, her stints with drugs had aged her but as she walked to the stand, she had the same power in her strides she had many years ago when she dawned the color red. She was put under oath and sat down.

"Ms. Duke, how long have you known the Dean family?" David asked her.

"I've been aquatinted with Veronica since elementary school. We became friends in senior year and that's when I became familiar with Jason Dean." She answered.

"Have you ever known Jason Dean to do anything illegal?" He asked of her.

"No, I have not. I don't subscribe to the same narrative that my old friend, Heather McNamara does." She said, making direct eye contact with Heather as she said this.

"And why is that?" David asked.

"I believe anyone can change if they want to. I managed to and I have no reason to believe that he hasn't either." Heather told him.

"No further questions, your honor." David said as Mr. Dimitri stood up.

"Ms. Duke, you have a history of using heroin correct?" He asked her.

"I don't know why that's important here but yes. I've been clean since 1994." She answered.

"Have you ever done drugs with Jason Dean?" He asked her.

"I've barely had a conversation longer than ten minutes with him, so no, I've never done drugs with him." She replied.

"If you've barely spoken to Jason Dean in depth, how would you know if he's changed since high school?" He asked her.

"Everyone changes from high school. I'm also trusting my friend Veronica, whom I've never known to lie." She told him. Veronica looked down sadly as Heather said this.

"Yes, everyone changes from high school. You changed into a drug addict and Jason Dean changed into a drug dealer." Mr. Dimitri said.

"You're making a lot of accusations here, Mr. Dimitri. I told you, I've been clean since 1994 and I've never known Jason Dean to sell drugs." Heather said before the judge could interrupt. She was a big girl, she could handle a rude lawyer. She's dealt with quite a few.

"But you said you've barely spoken to him. Why do you believe he wouldn't deal drugs?" Mr. Dimitri asked.

"Because Jason Dean was one of the main people who told me I needed to recover." She answered.

"Why did he do that?" Mr. Dimitri asked.

"I'm very close with his wife and I was told I would be revoked of being their daughter, Emily's, godmother unless I got clean." Heather answered.

"But that wasn't enough, correct?" He asked.

"Correct. It took being arrested weeks later for having heroin in my possession and being sent to rehab to get it through my head that I needed to get better." Heather replied.

"Why was that?" Mr. Dimitri asked.

"I don't have siblings, so I don't have any nieces or nephews. I always considered Jesse, Emily and Chloe as my nephew and nieces." Heather said.

"I see. No further questions, your honor." He said, nodding as Heather got off the stand.

"The defense calls Emily Dean to the stand." David said.

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