
420 20 13

trigger warning: sexual assault/molestation of a minor

I'm not a child.
- Chloe Dean

Chloe's Point of View

As I lay in the futon underneath my big comforter, I could hear laughter coming from the living room. Jesse and Emily were close and they were both out there, having fun. I willed myself to go to sleep, but it was impossible. Just as I was about to sit up and read the second book I packed, the door creaked open.

"Hey," A young guy said to me. He didn't look to be any older than Emily. I had no reason to not trust him, Emily was out there. She wouldn't let just anyone come in here.

"Hi," I squeaked.

"Are you Chloe?" He asked me. I nodded slightly and fiddled with the edge of my blanket. "Mind if I hang in here?"

I didn't say anything, I just moved to make room for him on the futon. "What's your name?" I asked.

"Oliver." He said, his mouth cocking into a crooked smile. "How old are you?" He asked.

"I just turned thirteen in December." I answered.

He whispered something underneath his breath. It sounded like excellent. But it could have been exactly. I'm not quite sure.

We talked for a while, before he put his arm around me. I still didn't know how old he was, but I liked it. He was a cute boy and boys never like me. They always like Emily.

"Have you ever kissed anyone?" Oliver asked me after we talked more.

"No," I said, my voice sounding smaller than I meant. Is he going to kiss me?

He pressed his lips to mine roughly. It wasn't like kisses in movies. It was like our mouths were bumper cars and he was trying to hit me. I didn't know what to do, he just kept smashing his mouth on mine. I felt his tongue touch my lips.

He yanked my hair and I gasped. My mouth opened wide and he talked more to himself. I wanted to scream but before I could, he had his tongue in my mouth. It was weird and I didn't like it. I wanted it to stop.




I couldn't get my head to pull away to tell him to stop.

His fingers clamped down on my hips and he kept kissing me. I tried to pry myself out of his arms but he pushed me down onto my back. He started to reach up my shirt and I began to cry.

Then I had an idea. I bit down on his tongue. He yanked his head away from mine and I opened my mouth to scream. He pressed his other hand hard onto my mouth.

"If you tell someone about this, I'll kill you." He said to me. It wasn't like when Emily and I joked about killing one another. He was being serious. Then he got up and left the room.

I curled into a ball and cried until I fell asleep.

I'm only a child.
- Chloe Dean

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