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To tell the truth, I wasn't sure why I was born. Did my parents love each other before me? Why am I here?
- Jesse Dean

December 1989

As Veronica Sawyer kissed her boyfriend happily in front of a Christmas tree, she didn't want to tell him what was inside of her. She pulled away and smiled at him. In her eyes was perhaps some sorrow. She wondered if this was the end of them.

"JD? We need to talk." Veronica told him. He could feel his heart break on the impact of her words. She was going to dump him. We need to talk means We need to see other people. Still, JD put on a brave face.

"Is everything okay with us?" He asked, bracing himself for the answer no.

"Yes, more than okay. It's amazing." She exhaled slightly, her head shaking as if she couldn't believe that this was happening to her. JD said he loved her and she was about to find out if he was being honest.

"Then what's going on?" He asked, his voice a mixture of worry and relief. She wasn't leaving him, which was good. Life without her sounded meaningless, if they broke up he'd likely end his life. But was she okay?

"I'm eleven weeks pregnant." She told her boyfriend. His voice took on a look of pure shock, his jaw dropping. "Please don't be mad." She begged.

"How could I be mad?" JD asked her, kissing her on the head.

"Did you hear me say I'm pregnant?" Veronica asked. He did. He just wasn't all that bothered by it.

"Veronica, I love you so much. For me to be mad would be stupid." He reassured her. "The only thing I'm bothered by is that you didn't tell me sooner. Why didn't you?" He asked.

"I thought about an abortion." Veronica said, slouching in her seat as if she was ashamed. "My mom convinced me to go see a doctor first for an ultrasound and to discuss it with you if that's what I really wanted."

"Is it?" He asked.

"No. I saw this stupid blob that was shaped like a peanut and I knew I couldn't do it." Veronica answered. "So I'm keeping it, whether you'll be here or not. I'll do it myself if I have to." She said, prepared that he was going to leave her for this. They weren't even eighteen yet, but she was going to have this baby.

"I'm going to be here, Veronica." He told her, smiling at the look in her eyes as they welled up with happy tears.

"You have to keep your promise." Veronica said. JD nodded, he knew this.

After the incidents with Heather Chandler, Kurt Kelly and Ram Sweeney, Veronica was going to leave him because he suggested killing Heather Duke for egging on Heather McNamara's suicide attempt.

"Maybe one more Heather should die." He told her one early morning in bed. Veronica shot up completely straight.

"How the fuck can you say that!?" She yelled at him. Yes, Heather Duke was a complete cunt but Veronica didn't want more people dead.

"Veronica, who else is going to?" He asked her, sitting up as well and putting his hand on her arm. It was as stiff as a dead body.

"No." Veronica told him. "I'm done, JD." She said, starting to get out of his bed to collect her clothes. He yanked her back by her elbow.

"You can't leave me." He said, his voice somewhere between a whine and a threat. "Heather Duke deserves to die. They all do." He spoke. Veronica spread out her palm and smacked him across the face with her free hand.

"How fucking dare you." She said, scoffing with annoyance. "Don't talk to me ever again." She added, before leaving his room to go home.

JD gave Veronica the day to cool off. Still, he showed up through her window that night, when it had been too long for him to take any more.

JD climbed in the window and didn't see Veronica. He went to her bathroom and opened the door. There was Veronica, trying desperately to get the cap off a bottle. The bathtub was full and that's where she sat. Beside her was a quarter empty bottle of vodka and a small bottle of orange juice. She was crying.

"What the hell are you doing!?" JD screamed at her as soon as he saw the scene before him. He quickly made his way over to the bathtub and tried to pull the bottle out of Veronica's hands.

"Stop!" She cried. When he finally took the bottle from her he saw what it was.

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"I need to take my Prozac!" She shrieked at him when he threw the bottle across the room. It broke and all the pills spilled onto the floor, which caused Veronica to shriek louder. He picked her up out of the way too full tub and carried her back into her room while she hit her fists against him.

He didn't say anything to her as he sat her down on the bed and wrapped her in a towel. She was still sobbing, her head bowed. He wanted to hug her but she was so mad at him that he didn't want to make this worse.

"What were you trying to do?" He asked her, his voice coning out shaky.

"Nothing!" She yelled.

"Veronica, were you trying to kill yourself?" He asked. He took her sobs getting stronger as a yes. "Why?" He asked her.

"Because I don't want other people to die anymore." She told him, seemingly unaware that her suicide would lead to his.

"I promise I won't kill anyone else. I'm so sorry, baby." He started to cry, wrapping his arms around her. She received the hug, putting her arms under his and crying into his chest.

"I was going to keep the promise anyways." He told her. "I want you to move in with me."

"What?" She asked.

"I want us to live together. Bud will probably be leaving soon anyways." He explained.

"Okay," Veronica agreed, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I love you."

"I love you more, Ronnie." He smiled at her. They were going to be a family. It was all he had ever wanted and hoped for.

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