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And I'm like, Jesus I'm on the freaking bus again because all my rides to school are dead.
- Heather McNamara

Heather McNamara was surprised to see Veronica Sawyer in a hospital bed, her left wrist locked to the bar under the bed with handcuffs. She was asleep, her eyes closed but lined red. Her cheeks were flushed and puffy.

Heather went about her job, acting professional as she checked the sleeping woman's vitals. It had been a long time since she'd seen Veronica. A birthday party for Veronica's younger daughter about two years ago. She wasn't sure why they fell out, it just sort of happened over time.

As she was cleaning up the vital cart, Veronica woke up. "Heather?" She asked groggily, looking up at the lady in yellow scrubs. Heather McNamara had a bobbed hair cut and a pair of thin framed glasses but was still recognizable.

"Where's your family?" Heather asked, looking at her watch to see that she was supposed to be on break. She figured she could spend it with Veronica. "Did you husband do this?"

"They're not here. And no, he hasn't done anything like that since we were teenagers." Veronica answered, jogging Heather's memory as to why they drifted apart. Heather McNamara did not buy that Jason Dean turned his life around. She saw JD push Veronica around in high school, she saw them fight and scream.

"Young love," Heather Duke snickered at the sight of Jason and Veronica in a blue sedan. He was screaming at her and she had her hands over her ears. Her screams were louder than his. She was shrieking Mary Had A Little Lamb as loudly as she could. She had marks on her arms, if Heather narrowed her eyes, she could make out that they were the grips of fingers. 

"I can see they aren't here." Heather replied. "What happened?" She asked.

"JD had drugs in the Porsche." She said, her head looking away from Heather.

"What!?" Heather asked, her voice raising in level and pitch.

"The cops said he was dealing. But I don't believe them." Veronica said.

"Where are your kids?" Heather asked.

"Jesse's still in Cleveland. Emily and Chloe were supposed to go to a temporary placement until I get out." Veronica answered.

"Supposed to?"

"They ran away. When I found out, I fainted and hit my head on the toilet in my cell. I'm hoping to be out soon. They think I gave JD my prescription to sell." Veronica explained.

"Did you?" Heather questioned. Her tone was accusatory.

"God no!" Veronica cried. "We have children. We have a life we worked hard to build. I wouldn't throw that away." Veronica defended.

"I believe you. But how are you going to convince a judge?" Heather asked. The question rang in Veronica's head for two days. Until she was standing in front of a judge, trying to be released.

On the stand was her psychiatrist, verifying that Veronica receives her prescription legally. That there has never been an instance of overly frequent refills to suggest drug addiction or drug dealing.

"Her daughters are missing, your honor. She needs to help look for them." The psychiatrist added.

"Very well. You are being released, Mrs. Dean. You will continue to see Dr. Smith on a weekly basis. But I am also ordering you to go to a bi-weekly anxiety support group as Dr. Smith has told the court that you rarely leave your home." The judge told Veronica.

"What about my husband?" Veronica asked. She forgot to refer to the judge as your honor.

"He is going to need a proper hearing once your children are located. We are going to have to talk to them and anyone associated with your family. Including, but not limited to, your parents, his father and grandmother, family friends and your children." The judge explained. "Good day, Mrs. Dean." He added, the gavel was hit and she was a free woman.

"Thank you, your honor." Veronica said, bowing politely and leaving.

A trial? For JD?

If she was under oath and they asked if he had ever done anything illegal, she couldn't say no. Veronica began to panic. She couldn't think properly. But what she had to focus on was getting the bail money for him in order and finding their daughters.

sister sister // heathers auTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon