Fighting RWBY

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Im writing some of this at like 6:00, 7:00 so im tired but the rest will be during and after 11:00 cause fuck school, so enjoy.

(Your POV)

We get to the arena and me and Gine go to one side while RWBY go to the other, me and gine got into a fighting stance as i went super saiyan everyone but Ozpin, Glynda, and Gine were questioning what happened. As I looked at mthem I rushed them knocking out Blake leaving Weiss to Gine figuring she wanted to fight, and I rush Yang and Ruby knocking out Ruby with a punch to the stomach. Leaving me and Yang alone to fight.

You: heyyyy Yang wanna fight?

Yang: sure

You: wanna bet on it?

Yang: whats the bet?

You: if you win I apologize to you, if I win you invite Taiyang so I can punch him with all the anger I've built up over the years

Yang: alright

You: should i use my full power now or later?

Yang: how about later lets see how long ypu can go

You: alright

I then proceeded to go to my bace form and get into my fighting stance as she does the same.

You: ight fuck face lets do this

Yang: what if i dont wanna

You: then i'll still punch you

Yang: alright

I rush her knowing she'll punch me so when she did try I slid under it, and dead legged her and after wards i hit her with spin kick. Afterwards I decided to just play around so I start charging a kamehameha.

You: kame!

As the ki orb in my hands grew i could tell everyone was questioning what was happening.

You: hame!

By the looks of it Gine thought i was gonna kill yang but no i know better then that, tai on the otherhand.

You: ha!

I yell as I thrust my arms forward tho instead of releasing the blast it shot confetti, everyone were confused other then Gine who was relieved it wasn't what she thought was gonna happen.

You: hehehe you should've seen your face.

Yang: w-what was that?

You: a joke

I then use instant transmission and chop the back of her neck knocking her out.

You: hey gine you done y-

Glynda: and the winners are y/n and Gine

You: oh c-

Glynda: welcome to beacon

You: can i talk?






You: ok then gine sorry i missed your entire fight

Gine: its fine

You: yeah ok welp we made it in bacon

Gine: beacon

You: thats what i said

Abused and neglected bardock male reader x Gine (RWBY and Dragon ball fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now