So you can still fight eh?

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(Your POV)

Me and gine are training as i dodge a punch by her doing a flip over it and kick her in the face, she falls back before jumping back up just then when we both feel a ki fairly familiar.

You: oh shit, gohan!?

Gohan lands next to us in a gi similar to dads.

Gohan: hey guys

You: oh the old gi?

Gohan: yeah i saw you training and figured i'd join you, see how strong you've gotten

You: alright lets go then

Play song

I do a flip backwards before getting into a fighting stance as he does to.

You: gohan don't go easy on me, i can finally use super saiyan again

Gohan: wasn't gonna

I feel gohans power start to grow to about dads level when a whitish silver like aura appears around him, i go super saiyan and shoot a ki blast at him. As he deflects it i appear behind him leg sweeping him before appearing infront of him with a ki ball in hand facing the opposite way.

You: tyrant lancer!

I turn around and shoot him with it only for it to be an after image.

You: huh

I turn around as gohan throws a punch hitting me right between the eyes, and gotta say god damn that shit hurts.

You: cells fucking dickhole that hurt

Gohan then knees me in the stomach before elbowing my back sending me to the ground before charging a ki blast.

Gohan: ka!

I get up and charge a attack as well.

Gohan: me!

When i do i noticeably turn to base form since my staminas about to run out.

Gohan: ha!

I look at him with a glint in my eye, staring straight into his eyes.

You: tyrant!

Gohan: me!

Within a second i was gone and behind him.

You: lancer!

I shoot it towards his back but he does a flip i look up to see him thrust one hand towards me shooting me with a kamehameha with one hand. When its over my arms are noticeably injured and my armor is fucked i drop to the ground before turning super sayian dashing towards him knocking him back before teleporting behind him kicking him away, I then teleport infront of him facing the other way.

You: your finished!

I then turn around and shooting a huge blast at him. (get the reference?)

You: that should be it...

When the smoke clears i see he has one good arm along as me, his gi's fucked... so i drop to the ground same as him as we both charge blasts before firing them at each other trying to over power one another, we both struggle before i start to walk forward but when i do i appear behind him and kick him into a tree before shooting him with one last ki blast. After that i fell to my knees, as the smoke cleared he was standing tho his aura was gone.

Stop song

Gohan: good match (y/n) but i don't think you can fight anymore

You: yeah... ah well your badass again thats all that matters, better stay that way or i'm hunting you down

Gohan: alright, alright... we should get you arms checked out

You: tis but a scratch

Gohan: your arms hanging out of your socket and your other one looks like it was mauled by an ursa major

You: tis but a scratch when you've had your throat slit by goku black

Gohan: still tho

You: fine

Abused and neglected bardock male reader x Gine (RWBY and Dragon ball fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now